Why this is a totally unsatisfying conclusion to the drama

3  2015-04-08 by booderdooders

I get it. They're 50. They don't have the piss and vinegar to have a full out war with each other. But think of all that pressure we built up for the past 9 months. All the analysis and dissection of Opie and his foibles. The realization that he's basically a fraud. And we get this?

For all our commending of Anthony for "going in" on Opie, he really didn't. He gave an almost restrained and respectful assessment of Opie. It wasn't the dismantling that people made it out to be. The worst dirt we got out of it was that Opie snaps his fingers at staff, and he forced his bad moods on everyone else. The rest was stuff we already presumed.

And then Opie, on his show, did 80 minutes of his usual beating around the bush, never making a solid statement, and contradicting himself every other sentence. The most we got out of that was a couple insights into their past friendship, some new information about the F.H. Riley's incident, and an opportunity to come up with some new nicknames for Opie relating to crying.

After watching Legion of Skanks with Sam Roberts, I realize that we're back at the start. Sam sat there the entire show and gave his safest rendition of what happened. It was like what Ant and Opie did on their respective shows ever since Anthony's firing. Combine that with Jim's lack of willingness to say anything definitive on O&J, and you know that it's done. There's no one left that will air anything. The drama is over, and we just have to call this our victory.

I really thought we'd accomplish more. I don't even have the energy to come here and hate anymore.


I understand what you mean, but don't ever lose sight of the fact that we made Opie cry.

A fifty year old man with breasts blubbered on air like a bitch. What more do you want. ?