Opie's breakdown today wasn't about Ant. It was about You! All of You!

74  2015-04-08 by youdonotnome

I said this in a comment earlier but it'll probably get buried.

I'm seeing a lot of posts about Opie crying, but it's all about Ant's vindication.

I'm surprised you guys aren't taking the credit you deserve.

He's obviously sad and angry about Ant's show last night. But never believe that he doesn't read this sub or his Twitter responses.

Nobody could bear the level of abuse, degradation and bullying opie has received online. And I think that was a much stronger factor in his breakdown today.

I don't think it's undeserved. He's a narcissistic loud mouth bully that treated his fans and listeners like human gahbidge

Listening to a broadcasting juggernaut reduced to a babbling sobbing school girl, at the hands of YOU GUYS, really makes me appreciate the power of the Internet.

Congrats guys, you finally broke him. With a little help from Ant of course

P.S. got a few messages claiming i am circle jerking reddit, or i am delusional for thinking that social media affects him. just to clarify, i wasn't specifically talking about this subreddit, he get's harassed from all angles and it's exactly what he's talking about here.



Please! You're too kind.
I just wanna thank my parents, and of course our Lord, Denny.
Without whom nothing would be pissable.

I'm going to heroin on Disneyland

don't recommend

But he ignores the haters. Dismisses the fans that have passed him by. To me, the crying was more about a realization that Ant didn't look up to him like a huge fuckin' Christ figure and after all these years, someone with a voice made his assinine tactics known.

if he ignored the haters, would 'the haters' be one of his catchphrases?

Just the word The Who

The backwards swatstiker.

He's like that schoolyard bully pushing kids down and taking lunch money until that little fat kid finally punches him in the nose and he runs crying to the teacher and hiding in the bathroom sobbing

No, the crying was a narcissist's attempt to garner sympathy.

Hasn't Opie said before that much of the hate comes from Reddit? How would he know if he doesn't look?

Your not wrong. He brought up about getting his family involved. Which was a clear Bam reference.

If that is the case, I feel slightly bad that I chuckled at those bam jokes that helped effeminate a grown man so much.

I always thought that was over the line but I can see why some people think it's fair game.

(Vos) here's the thing... of all the shit Greggopie Hughes has pulled, he has never to my knowledge gone after someone's famil, besides Stern's daughter and her vaginAAaaAA (and I mean come on).

Lynsi's a pretty girl. She's probably had quite the list before the Opster. Maybe she really did have sex with Bam before Gregg, who knows. The stuff about him being a cuckold probably isn't true, but it's enough to make him deeply insecure. So, idk, I never REALLY went in for the Bam stuff.

The Bam stuff is/was pretty rough.

To be honest I never saw it as necessary because there was so much other real honest shit that we all saw every day on the show. We could call him out on his character and his narcissism and his deflections and contradictions.

The Bam shit seemed to be really stepping over the line and because it most likely wasn't true at all, it muddles the other stuff when presented to him. Probably makes it easier for him, in his own mind, to say it's ALL BS.

True. Most people don't marry virgins. As Ant said tonight, Opie has done very well for himself. I think it's fucked up to insult his family but the show used to do shit like that, so I can't begrudge others.

The reason I think that stuff is fair game is that Opie brought it up on the air and ranted and raved about it like a dummy. None of us would have ever heard that stupid rumor if the Opster hadn't gone on an ego-maniacal rant about how "MY CHICK DOESN'T DESERVE THIS SHIT!"

It's a comedy show, and if you're going to bring up your wife allegedly sleeping with one of the guys from Jackass, you should be prepared for a teasing.

Teasing her is one thing. Attacking his girl is just a dick move. I never got why this sub turned on her. There's a long list of reasons to shit on Opie, no reason to take shots at innocent bystanders. They also aren't attempts at jokes, they're meant to hurt.

Yeah fair enough. I've never sent anything to Opie but I will make the occasional wisecrack on here. All in good fun if you're reading this, Gregory.


In early 2005, someone Opie used to work alongside in radio backed over their dog and killed him in their driveway. Opie forced the show to focus on that for fucking days. They had song parodies that they played on air, they all joked about it constantly, they had callbacks weeks and months later. I can upload clips if necessary. They made fun of the guy for being sad, they made fun of the guy's wife for publicly explaining her sorrow. I still don't even know what that person did to piss Opie off. He never explained it. The only thing I can assume is that it was someone who had an issue with O&a going onto satellite. But again, I don't know, because he never told us.

I can't even remember the guy's name, but I'm thinking it might have been Mike. This is just one of many examples, but the point is, Opie was happy to go outside of any sort of assumed "rules" by trashing pretty much anything that came his way. I'm actually 100% with you. I don't trash Opie for the Bam shit. Though I actually think it can be pretty hilarious and I would never actively try to put a stop to it. There's plenty to bash Opie for, but I don't see any reason to go after his family. But Opie did not follow those same rules. Throughout his career, he was happy to take low blows at anyone he had beef with.

I never really understood the logic of "this guy takes low blows, so let's hit him with some low blows to show how we are better than him". There's plenty of other shit he can be called out on.

Hmm, well, I hadn't heard of the debacle you're describing. I get your point, and it sounds like we agree. Still don't see why people have to drag Lynsi into this. Or, shit, when Hudson grows up and starts hearing clips about how his mother is a cheating whore?

Although I did get a hearty snicker out of someone describing how Bam "kickflipped her pussy".

I read everything you said in a slobbery accent.


Bam: A host of a show you like has a rumor about him and gets it out of the way on air

VaginaaaAA: The host of a show you hate has clear footage of his 18+ daughter independently making a fool of herself in front of an audience doing things her father makes fun of other people for doing and tries to avoid the topic entirely whilst screwing everyone in the business over including the people doing the bit

Oh, of course. Stern's daughter is fair game, that's what I'm saying.

It is Opie's own fault. He is the one that attacked Stern's daughter when she is obviously a civilian (douche chills). Opie shat where he ate, and now his wife gets to get mocked relentlessly because of it.

Don't fucking give it if you can't take it.

Bullshit. Stern's daughter was a performer. A shitty one, but a performer nonetheless. That makes her a public figure.

Opies wife was a producer on "Women Aren't Funny"

And Frank Kern was the foley editor for Fargo! Let's start a rumor that he fucks his pets!

did you just use an adjective as a verb?

hmm Yes sir, it appears I did. I refuse to edit my post.

Nice try in correctly correcting me tho

well in your line of thinking, i guess you really blue it

Give yourself some more credit sir, it can also be used as a verb: http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/effeminate#Verb

Are you all Latin scholars all of the sudden? Are we all Opies that admit no wrong? Somebody tell him the word is "emasculate" and the Bam jokes ARE childish even though it's funny that they bother the Opester.

I thought the same thing. In all honesty the constant "Bam fathered your kids" and cuckold references are a bit rough.

If he had only gone on TACS....

If anything, this recent shitstorm confirmed everything everyone said here.

He never liked Ant, and he never, ever intended on going on TACS. All the shit he said on Twitter concerning schedules and plans was a lie. This is the ultimate thing that buries him: he's either lying now, or he was lying then. He has to admit to being a liar at some point, it's inescapable.

It's not his fault, he just didn't know how to talk to the guy

He could've been on the first episode, if he had any capacity for honesty.

I don't think he had the social ability to go on tacs (as in covering lies)

I think you're right op. We did it guys! We made a 55 year old fat titted narcissist cry on the radio.

Yes, And here I thought being the 2nd most toxic subreddit was quite the milestone and now this. I just wanna say...

and god dammit I promised myself I wouldn't cry...

but thank you, thank you to all you nigger, kike, faggots for the daily cup of Opie hate. We did it boys, SALUD!!!!

Is this a joke? I mean you dont really think he cried because of this sub, right? /u/smarrrm called opie a narcissist, but isnt that what you guys' are if you really think thats true? Idk, maybe its just a shitty joke. Yeah thats gotta be it.


Hey, at least when we're blamed for doing something we take credit for it. Good job guys, we made this fat titted slobo cry. The amount of pure joy that came over me... is astounding.

Well that's not nice. Why can't we remember the good times? Oh I just remembered, Tuesday's show.

I just don't like that Opie refers to any criticism of him as "haters". And this reason is two-fold:

1) Sometimes you're just doing awful shit that needs to be criticized and brought to your attention so you can fine tune and adjust it.

2) Nobody over the age of 22 should be using the term "hater" outside of someone doing a bad impression of a southern accent talking about a radiator.

I actually liked Opie on O&A, and was one of those guys who respected his role as a "ship steerer" and a talent herder. He was damned good at it. Between Opie & Anthony & Jim, somebody of the three of them had either a passing interest in the guest or the topic at hand and a little familiarity so they could volley an interview between the three of them and the guest and keep it interesting.

Opie, in this new role as the lead talent, is mostly horrible in a one-on-one interview because he doesn't do any prep for a guest outside of glancing at the one-sheet that an intern threw in front of him an hour earlier of shit grabbed from the Internet.

Jimmy can't run an interview because he avoids pop culture and spends every waking hour at the Comedy Cellar outside of taking a couple hours to glance through whatever biography a guest is coming in to promote.

That said, Opie did really well today with Mike Rowe, a friend of the show for several years and someone who can pull off, in his own vernacular, a legitimate "hang". And while that happened, Jim said nothing and probably spent the entire show scrolling through twitter or reading reddit, and shows that there's no fucking chemistry between these guys.

This went longer than I thought. I've wanted to just gripe about these little nuances for the longest time. But I realize, I'm probably just a hater.

It was about him. It's always about him.

Sounds like he got a nice cry...

*puts on shades*

...from the hate tho


All he had to do was be honest with the fans and state from day one what he wanted to do. Hack morning zoo sht. He wasn't. It's his fault, he underestimated the fans he helped create. What a fucking dummy.

You can't go 15 years pointing out flaws of others without attracting fans who point out the flaws in others.

I blame Sam for all of this hullabaloo


Sam is just a shortened version of Samuel so I'm not sure what you're getting so worked up about.

Sam is to Samuel as chink is to chinaman. And you can't see a problem there? Maybe you should check yourself a little in future.

I agree with this 100 percent. He's upset that he has truly been exposed. I also don't believe he didn't watch it. He's Acting like he didn't watch it so he doesn't have to answer every charge.

EVERYBODY would have watched that if it were about them! Even if they didn't want to. Still a fucking liar!

I'd agree except going back through the archives Ronnie B said on Ant's Christmas Eve show (perhaps in jest) that Opie told him he didn't listen to hypnotized Fez doing Opster, only that he hashtagged it and said it was one in the win column for Fezzie.

Maybe he's truly incapable of listening to himself getting what he has coming to him.

I haven't listened to Tuesday's O&A yet, but did Opie really resort to playing the crying victim as a desperate move to get one Ant fan to feel sorry for him?

All I fucking heard was "Period." "To be honest with ya..." "Let's get a beer." "Let's get dinner." sniff "Literally"

And his "too cool guy" voice annoyed me to no end.

He was doing the low talking thing when you are trying to hold it in.

It's not about the bullying he received, it's about the fact that his web of lies was torn apart. People can handle bullying, but they can't handle their delusions being proven wrong.

It's funny because you want him to realize his foibles and work to improve, but then you hear him say his depression is cured and realize his self delusion is too great.

Well at least we know his mood doesn't effect the vibe of the room because he "doesn't feel like it does anymore".

He kept asking people to chime in the whole show, but failed to ask anyone if this was anywhere near true.

The minute he said that you could almost hear people's brains basking in the room from internal screaming. Everyone simultaneously thinking "did this faggot really just say that?!"

Corporate Cunt's fans are just like him. They'll get upset when we dare say something that doesn't tow the lnie.

Opie died for our sins.

Opie kind of reminds me of that cunt Amy from Amy's Baking Company.

I think Opie's breakdown into girly tears was just the end result from the tense buildup of faking a manly voice for so many months.

Shit happens ~

:D ...... :(

Go ahead and down vote me but this shit is just getting sad. Is Opie not funny? Yes. Is Opie a self centered, egotistical, ass? Yes. Does Opie have big delicious tits? Yes! But he was also half of the equation that brought us a show that gave us YEARS of enjoyment, O&A have absolutely helped me get through tough times by being a consistent escape, it was something I looked forward to everyday.

The show is over, the last nail has been struck in the coffin. Let it go. It was fun bashing Opie for a while but after listening to him today it's clear he isn't happy where things have gone either, I mean the guy legitimately cried on air for god's sake (and yes, he was talking about himself a lot today, what the fuck else was he going to talk about!?). Being a pest used to be a fun way to connect with other listeners and support O&A but its just become 'hahaha I made the sloth cry'.

legitimately cried


I really love it when people answer all their own questions in a paragraph. Did I like Opie? No. Did I limeAnt? Yes. Is Opie a pussy? Yes. Do I ask myself a lot of questions? Yes. Do I answer them as well? Yes

Well, in highschool I was voted boy most likely to answer my own questions in paragraph form.

So what you're saying is leave it alone?


Are you guys fucking* serious? How is making risque jokes on an obscure subreddit "going after his family?". Its not like any of us have personally contacted her. You make it sound like we are mobsters who are cutting off someone's wife's ear to extract money from him.

besides who cares if his wife had sex with Bam Margera. isn't it expected that your wife is going to have had sex before you met her, usually? And its not even true so who cares?

IMO, the stuff about his tits for the harshest but still hilarious.

Bam is just gross and everyone knows it, if she slept with Bam you know she is a low life skanky.

Opie(prefacing FH Ryley's): "I was at Sam's mother in law celebrating some Jewish holiday"

Greggshells is spending his time with an employee wife's family celebrating a holiday from a religion that he isn't even a part of(or is he).



Hahahahaha. Listen I get the joy you guys are having in all of this going down but to actually give yourself credit for that, common. Why hasn't he been crying the past several months that this has been going on? As much as each guy clearly resented the other towards the end they spent 20 years together. To think that it was you assholes mocking up another tits photo and not the person you spent pretty much your entire career with shitting all over you is what finally got to him is just pretty fucking sad. You guys served your purpose as a great source of jokes for Anthony's battle but what next? Do you move onto the Tacs subreddit and start giving Keith shit for not really bringing anything new to the show and just continuing the rotation of some comedian people are semi familiar with and/or some pornstar no one is familiar with. Or do you continue bashing Opie and his attempt to not do morning radio but instead host a boring late night talk show at 6 AM while attempting to turn a really funny personality into nothing more than a sidekick.

He hasn't been crying for all this time because he has a personality disorder, and it is only now he is in a corner that he feels crying will benefit him.

The listeners are happy. Ant is just manipulating all of us into hating Opie.

Listeners are happy, but Opie is making us hate Opie. This ordeal started with Fez doing one joke(as an appropriate response). Opie brought this on himself by being butthurt and going off for 30 minutes about one joke. Ant became collateral and then decided to finally say something.

Does anyone have audio of the first show of Opie back after the "cunt won't look at me" text?

he broke down right after talking about his and Ant's friendship ending

Someone actually sent you a private message for this post? Jesus Christ, what the fuck has the human male become?

He couldn't even bring himself to watch Ant's show. He had to get one of his faggot minions (probably Sam) to give him bullet points. A lot of what he commented on was so far off base. He gets it bad enough on Twitter and Youtube comments. No fucking way he comes here.

Opie said during the Maxwell debacle that when you say you haven't heard/seen something, you most certainly did see or listen to something. After mocking Maxwell for that sort of comment, he admitted to doing the same thing with Howard.

So when Opie says he ignores the haters, you can safely guess he is not ignoring them at all and probably reads this subreddit regularly.

so sweet, fat tits got broke

Scott and Todd announced they are going to start a Crybaby bitch version of Jocktoberfest starting with Gregshell Opie.

That would actually be hilarious if they did. Part of me also wants to send a tape of all this to terry Clifford, assuming her rotting carcass isn't being pecked apart by seagulls on some beach somewhere.

I've been a part of bashing Opie, but him crying made me really sad.

There's three sides to every story: Yours, Mine, and the Truth.


I'd love to know who these people are that explain everything that's said about him, but he NEVER reads or listens to himself.

Like really picture for a second...he's got some anonymous friend that runs down all the shit that's talked about him?

"Ok and then they said your wife fucks bam. And they said you have man-tits."

Ant made it clear no one around the show would ever want to deliver such bad news to him.

So how does it happen?

Oh that's right, he's lying.

I like Opie

They told me reddit wasn't an embarrassing circle jerk consisting mostly of delusional nerds with inflated egos because they spend all day online talking shit. They lied.

Thinking Reddit is at times a shining beacon of humanity's positive sides

That's a good one.

Please step in front of a train. What a pathetic, delusional life you live.

The Bam stuff is/was pretty rough.

To be honest I never saw it as necessary because there was so much other real honest shit that we all saw every day on the show. We could call him out on his character and his narcissism and his deflections and contradictions.

The Bam shit seemed to be really stepping over the line and because it most likely wasn't true at all, it muddles the other stuff when presented to him. Probably makes it easier for him, in his own mind, to say it's ALL BS.

True. Most people don't marry virgins. As Ant said tonight, Opie has done very well for himself. I think it's fucked up to insult his family but the show used to do shit like that, so I can't begrudge others.

The reason I think that stuff is fair game is that Opie brought it up on the air and ranted and raved about it like a dummy. None of us would have ever heard that stupid rumor if the Opster hadn't gone on an ego-maniacal rant about how "MY CHICK DOESN'T DESERVE THIS SHIT!"

It's a comedy show, and if you're going to bring up your wife allegedly sleeping with one of the guys from Jackass, you should be prepared for a teasing.

I really love it when people answer all their own questions in a paragraph. Did I like Opie? No. Did I limeAnt? Yes. Is Opie a pussy? Yes. Do I ask myself a lot of questions? Yes. Do I answer them as well? Yes

If anything, this recent shitstorm confirmed everything everyone said here.

He never liked Ant, and he never, ever intended on going on TACS. All the shit he said on Twitter concerning schedules and plans was a lie. This is the ultimate thing that buries him: he's either lying now, or he was lying then. He has to admit to being a liar at some point, it's inescapable.


Bam: A host of a show you like has a rumor about him and gets it out of the way on air

VaginaaaAA: The host of a show you hate has clear footage of his 18+ daughter independently making a fool of herself in front of an audience doing things her father makes fun of other people for doing and tries to avoid the topic entirely whilst screwing everyone in the business over including the people doing the bit

legitimately cried


So what you're saying is leave it alone?

He could've been on the first episode, if he had any capacity for honesty.

It is Opie's own fault. He is the one that attacked Stern's daughter when she is obviously a civilian (douche chills). Opie shat where he ate, and now his wife gets to get mocked relentlessly because of it.

Don't fucking give it if you can't take it.

In early 2005, someone Opie used to work alongside in radio backed over their dog and killed him in their driveway. Opie forced the show to focus on that for fucking days. They had song parodies that they played on air, they all joked about it constantly, they had callbacks weeks and months later. I can upload clips if necessary. They made fun of the guy for being sad, they made fun of the guy's wife for publicly explaining her sorrow. I still don't even know what that person did to piss Opie off. He never explained it. The only thing I can assume is that it was someone who had an issue with O&a going onto satellite. But again, I don't know, because he never told us.

I can't even remember the guy's name, but I'm thinking it might have been Mike. This is just one of many examples, but the point is, Opie was happy to go outside of any sort of assumed "rules" by trashing pretty much anything that came his way. I'm actually 100% with you. I don't trash Opie for the Bam shit. Though I actually think it can be pretty hilarious and I would never actively try to put a stop to it. There's plenty to bash Opie for, but I don't see any reason to go after his family. But Opie did not follow those same rules. Throughout his career, he was happy to take low blows at anyone he had beef with.

I read everything you said in a slobbery accent.

I don't think he had the social ability to go on tacs (as in covering lies)



Bam is just gross and everyone knows it, if she slept with Bam you know she is a low life skanky.