Who saw this coming?

12  2015-04-07 by slaphead311

Opie can't handle a lil truth coming his way. He's completely and totally used to lying. He knows he can cause he's on the air and no one from the show would correct him. Even Jimmy admitted that greggshells was legit.

I could totally see why Ant quit talking to Opie. Who would want to work and try and be funny with a guy like that? Fuck....give it up to Ant for dealing with him for as long as he did.

The only reason I listen to O&J these days is cause I think Jimmy is still stupidly funny.....and I hope to hear Opie's final breakdown.

RIP O&A, R&F....it's been a tough year. Long live TACS

Here's to hoping Ron, Anthony, and Jimmy is born.


TACS is good and all but until he gets someone other than the faggot cop and the faggot jew to bounce off of, it won't reach the level of O&A and R&F.

I don't think that Ant will reach that level again. Not these days. I think Ant runs a show better that ol tits mcgee...Even with all of his radio knowledge....

That said , a co host would be a welcome addition...

I think we all did, nobody expected it to be so brutal tho

Word, the pressure built and it all blew the past few days. Captivating radio I must say.


I felt something brewing when on a Best Of with Jim, Ant mentioned his new studio in Manhattan so "guys like you can on more often."