You faggots actually have sympathy for tits?

1  2015-04-07 by FattiesArentPeople

That's WHY he cried you stupid cunts. He doesn't miss his buddy. He's a 60 year old "man" with more verbal crutches than the special olympics, obsessed with reality TV and viral videos, says "haters" unironically, and takes the most calm criticism as being "picked on".

Need to refuel your hatred? Listen to Patrice or Louie on the show and remember this faggot is a hole.


Fuck off, you creep.

I have sympathy for both of them. These are plainly two guys who communicated masterfully on the air but when the mics were off could barely understand the fundamentals of what was needed to keep their professional partnership afloat. They both have legitimate grievances; and while Opie's may seem outwardly petty, let me remind you that those are the ones that stay inside your head and fester and metastasize over time. Those are the ones that hurt the most, as you probably know firsthand.

The constant "you're either with us or against us" theme around here has ruined the place. If you're not whoring for upvotes to think of a name better than "Greggshells" or talking about Opie's tits, then don't bother commenting.

Fuck that, I enjoy being on the other side. Bunch of Sandy vagina having cunts.

i think it's always crucial never to underestimate the presence of Asperger's everywhere on the internet. OP probably can't conceive the idea of crying over anything but a cartoon girl crush of his kissing another boy.


No, but I do have some for grown men that spend their days obsessing over other men and their personal/business relationships.

Then get the fuck outta here!


There are so many good reasons to hate Opie, which is why it can be so frustrating when he thinks it's just the most recent reason

Yeah it's annoying me that some are saying they have sympathy for him. It was so put on.

Everyone is different and has their own opinions. Takes a lot of different people to make this crazy world go round.

Here is my opinion: I wish Opie was dead. But hey man that's just me.

Yeah i do. So what? What the fuck do you care? You're the bigger hole for this shit post.

This aint your thread Opie

I miss Patrice and I'm someone who wishes the Third Reich won at the same time...


Fuck that, I enjoy being on the other side. Bunch of Sandy vagina having cunts.