The only thing Opie revealed that bothered me about Anthony ...

0  2015-04-07 by EmpireOfSoccer

Leave a wedding half day into it? No problem with that. But no wedding gift? Dude blows 100k a weekend on poker alone. As Ant said, they may not like each other, but they are business partners. You don't do that to your business partner. That's pretty fucked.

Other than that .... #TeamAnthony


he gave him future years of not calling Opie out on his horseshit and lack of humor. best wedding gift ever. Opies an ungrateful ass.

That's a bit fucked, but then again Anthony seems to be socially retarded.

I'm not buying it. My guess is being a typical guinea, like me, Ant gave an envelope full of cash. He can't prove it, so its an easy lie for Op to make up, just like the whole "Ant didn't even want to hire Jimmy" thing

I'm Argie (aka wannabe Italian folk) and I would do the same thing without batting an eye. Would love to hear Ants side because honestly, that is the only thing I saw that was a low blow.

Anthony is far from cheap. If i remember correctly he gave E rock or Sam a pretty large gift that they didn't disclose the amount of for their wedding, but it sounded like it was up high there or the highest amount of all the guests. I could be wrong it was a while ago. What did bother me a little bit about Anthony was with Opies brother. He did come off like a child when he wasn't noticed and comped for his meal. He is a RADIO personality one. Not everyone knows what everyone on the radio looks like. The brother wasn't there. And you shouldn't go to places expecting a hand out. He is just a regular dude trying to make a living, why bash him for the one meal that needed to be paid for. I would of been fuming at Anthony. Probably as pissed off as Anthony would of been if Opie bashed brother Joes band online because he had to pay the cover and two drink minimum and was hassled by the doorman.

I dunno, after all these years how is ant not considered a close friend of the restaurant?

close friend of the restaurant?

And probably of Opies brother, why shit on your "friends place" without at least contacting him or Opie first?

yeah, i might have just assumed that he did because that's what i would have done.... i don't know.

Cumia is too self aware for a wedding gift. He's aware that people will go "oh that's just typical ant" just like when he comes in drunk to work or sleeps at important meetings. Only a man of extreme self awareness can do these things, you wouldn't understand op.

im not sure if this is satire because i've seen too many posts express the same idea but with total sincerity that i just can't tell the difference now.

Anthony's gift to Opie will always be their success.