Team Opie

0  2015-04-07 by Produceher

OK. Not really "Team Opie" as I don't think we need to "pick" sides. Both these guys have built this brand that we all love. Opie was great today. Kept it real. Kept it classy. Love both guys.


Opie called Ant "Human garbage". That's not classy. A classy guy would have had Ant on his show to talk it out.

Having Ant on his show was not an option. Sirius wouldn't allow it. And Opie didn't feel comfortable going to Anthony's show. It's not unreasonable to hash out your differences "Off air".

Now just send me $10,000 so can I use it to take out the $145678987654678 you have inherited in Nigeria from your long lost uncle.


I kinda felt bad for opie because he seemed like he thought ant's 'rant' was way more venomous than it was because he didn't actually watch it. didn't come across like ant hated opie the way opie made it seem.

He watched it.

I think he did too. During the show today I really felt like Opie was trying to make sure he didnt trip up and say something so specific that would let us know he watched it. If he didnt then he really should but I also highly doubt Anthony listened to O&J today or ever.

I really don't think so. I think he just heard a summary of it and made up his mind that it was just a "fuck opie" video. He really only addressed the major bulletin points of ant's show and seemed to assume that Anthony covered certain areas that he didn't.

Opie tweeted almost immediately after the show was done. I also doubt Opie would commit himself to such a harsh rebuttal biased off what somebody else told him.

I don't know man. It wasn't venomous but it definitely would hurt like a bitch if he was talking about you and you weren't there. Especially to a large audience. It was petty. Not venomous but definitely, "This is my side and it's all that matters".

yeah I know it's totally reasonable to be mad but Opie talking about how ant "despises" him seemed disproportionate to how not-terribly-hostile the tone of ant's show was.

I just think it's sad that the haters are just going to shit on Opie no matter what. It's really none of our business which one of them was the bigger dick to the other. It's a typical relationship that went south due to lack of communication.

Anthony hit the nail on the head with saying how Opie's reaction to hate is the reason it gets so bad. If you actually believe Opie's as irredeemable and horrible as this sub pretends then you're not living in reality. If he was, the show would be unlistenable even in its best years and that's obviously not true. He's just a fun target to make fun of because he's touchy and often an asshole.

Completely agree.

Yeah his honesty was very refreshing, at many points saying he was wrong which is more than Anthony did yesterday. This is what the fans have been waiting for from Opie, and now you're starting to see a lot of people on this sub turn, me included. With all of this out in the open, both sides of blame are becoming very clear: Opie being how he was ending their friendship and then lamenting the loss of it deeply, and Anthony content with numbing it all and moving on like nothing is wrong. These two need some marriage counseling.

Glad to feel like I'm not the only one. Thanks


Completely agree.