Remember when Stone Cold didn't submit to Bret Hart and they pulled off the famous "Double-Turn?"

0  2015-04-07 by eljimboy

Anthony just pulled off the radio equivalent. Fez was a heel for some time right up until his actual retirement. The sentiment with which Ronnie (obviously a face) dealt with his friend leaving worked toward switching Fez to a face. This was supplemented with Opie (a heel) attacking the now babyface Fez, which would prove to be the impetus for Ant's grand show yesterday. During that show, Ant took his face status to near superhero levels, as well as Opie's heel status, and cemented Fez's legacy as going out a face. Ron and Fez always loved wrestling and kept the show with an air of kayfabe, and I believe our little Fezzie pulled off the greatest heel to face turn in radio history, and also set into motion the sequence of events that has spawned the greatest feud in radio history, Op vs. Ant. I mean, hasn't this whole thing reminded you of Wrestlemania?


Shut up, faggot.