De-Opiefying classic shows?

3  2015-04-07 by [deleted]

I was just listening to "Patrice on O&A #7 - Rich McFarclane" and about an hour and 22 mins into the show, Opie deflates the show by reading some hater's comment and griping about how the listeners shouldn't bother writing in because he knows what he's doing, etc. I used to listen to these old shows without really noticing Opie, but now I just get livid and it ruins my enjoyment of the show.

So I got the idea of selectively removing all of Opie's contributions from some of the greatest shows and bits that he might have ruined. Can you think of some especially grievous examples of this? I might just pick a few of these favorites, play them in Audacity or something and prune as I go.

It would be as if Opie was never even there!


Not sure if you're being serious, but I'll assume you are.

Some kind soul like yourself did this already, they were called "the Nopie Shows" and Opie had them taken down off YouTube on legal grounds. Someone started the counter-cultural "OpieOnly" movement which are suspiciously still available.



You are correct about that being the meaning of Nopie shows, but some seriously dedicated fan went the extra mile. Sadly I don't know of any torrents etc containing the "completely-opie-free" Nopie shows.
