Remember when ALL of reddit hated Opie?

3  2015-04-07 by youfuckmymother


I'm sick at myself for defending him when this happened.

We all did. We were young once and naive.

I laughed at the time, because I didn't realize how much of a douche he was all the way back then. I still think the idea is funny. It's in the same vein as slapping a pizza onto the floor or smashing someone's bagel they're about to eat or pissing in their oatmeal.

Not really sure how to feel about it now. On one hand, those reddit users were being massive sjw faggots. On the other, it's the titster and his individual version of awful frat cuntery really comes through.

It'd be a lot easier to still defend if someone - anyone - else had done it. But the snapster is too full of himself for me to enjoy his antics anymore. Then there's that dumb ass laugh that comes after all these stunts, his dumb face where his Downsy eyes get even smaller, and how despite having just acted like a tough guy, he always nances around like a limp-wristed twat for about a minute:


Hearing that guy say " I earned that" is beyond rage inducing.


