How much clout do WE have?

18  2015-04-07 by carrieparavello

Let's see if we can get #CancelOpieRadio trending on Twitter. Use all of our ammo. The cake stomp, killing a dog, the hate speech, driving Steve to suicide, whatever. Let's get the SJW on our side and slam SiriusXM with complaints.

This is NOT a drill. This is our opportunity to act as karma against a legitimately bad man who ruined lives and a show that meant so much to so many. He is a compulsive liar who doesn't care about ANYBODY. His downfall is in our hands.


Last week he got Kendra Sunderland - a young, impressionable 19 year old girl - in studio and got one of his staff members to pressure her intensely into getting naked. She was audibly hesitant but they wouldn't let it go, and she finally gave in and agreed to take off her clothes in front of a studio full of middle aged men who were leering at her. Opie then ever recorded her and uploaded the footage without her consent as she was reluctantly spanked by this guy wiv da biggist fahkin peckah she'd ever seeen & she came all ova da studio and sedd Chippah yur worse than the devvil!


was the steve c thing ever talked about in depth on air? like i know he killed himself, but other than that, i dont know much about it

It was a banned topic on the air. It wasn't even a confirmed suicide until Anthony's AMA last month. Looking back, Opie pushed for Steve to be fired and bullied him by threatening legal action over the content he owned. A short time later, Steve made what he must have thought was his only choice.


The incompetents at Sirius aren't going to do shit. They'll probably renew his contract when it expires even if only 1/10th of the O&A fan base is still listening. They fired Ant and gave Opie a raise what more proof do you want that they don't know what they are doing.

This was the gayest thread of the day. Congrats!

Your M4A post - zero upvotes, zero comments


Have you seen the retards around here? I was saving them from a ten minute Google hunt.

If we think we have it then we have it.

You have 7 comment clout. Go have sex with a female

Right.. because.. Internet points...

We can bring down Gregg's career.

You could get some unwanted bullshit SJW heat on Anthony by association. Although he'd handle it much better.