I know I'm being greedy but now I want...

2  2015-04-06 by jcafaro17

...to hear the same thing ant just laid out from the perspective of Sam, Erock, Travis (whenever he's on air i can hear him think "opie, you're an idiot"), Ben Sparks, Rick Delgado, and whoever else worked at the show that Opie didn't drive to suicide. Could you imagine that group around the poker table for 2 hours plus? Oh my god, I feel like a little girl trying to get the latest middle school gossip.

Ant is an equal to Opie, can you imagine the shit people below him had to deal with?


I know I'm being greedy, but now I want Danny to get ass cancer and Sam's hair to fall out.

I don't think Opie ever viewed Ant as an equal.