When Opie was pulling these obviously made up dirty tricks, what was Ant doing?

0  2015-04-06 by Ant_Sucks

When Opie was keeping the whole staff in the dark about the new contract every two years, what was Anthony doing? How helpless was the millionaire manbaby?

If this bothered him so much why keep signing and letting Opie do it?

If this bothered the staff so much why have they stayed with him for a decade?

If you were in E-Rock's shoes and Opie was keeping you in fear of your job, and Anthony was letting him, why would you like Anthony either?


Why would anyone want to quit the best job ever? They all just put up with tits' bullshit because its like, who cares about a whining child? You let him whine and cry, pat his pack and continue on.

That's not how Drama Queen Cumia put it. Didn't you know, they were in fear of their jobs!

I'm sure they all wanted to stay with the gig. However, if Sirius F's one of your crew for saying on Twitter what you said on the air, how do you just say "well...shit happens"?

I could see working your contract through October and then saying they wouldn't re-sign without Ant but signing a contract without Ant seems kind of weak. Not walking from Sirius to start a podcast makes me think Opie just doesn't think he has a real, large, and supportive audience. He doesn't "have the numbers" as he says.

IMO, those tweets were an excuse by Sirius to fire Ant. It also creates some small wins for Opie. He'll get the new studio, he'll get slightly better guests and probably a better paycheck. That's what it comes down to. That's why he doesn't really care if Ant comes back. You can see it with what he's been saying...talking about the show possibly separating.

Opie's show is far more milk toast and plain. I've cancelled my sub with Sirius. I still haven't signed with Ant but may do it at some point.

I still haven't signed with Ant but may do it at some point.

Says it all really.

Not exactly. I also cancelled Sirius.

The show was great because it mixed what you have now with occasional political commentary and talk. Ant also added a bit more funny and passion to all discussions. Right now, even the most heated of topics is relatively calm and same flavor. There was a lot more flavor with Ant and the whole team.

That says it all really. It's not the same show. Apparently Opie didn't truly value it.

Signing a new contract? Not just continuing broadcast and re-negotiating for your guy. Re-signing without him. Ha ha ha ha. Crazy.

I agree that Anthony left a huge entertainment void, but that void wasn't replicated over on his show. If anything, that talent went poof and evaporated, and it will never happen again. Ant burns bridges and he fucking stinks.

Imagine Paul McCartney leaving the Beatles and becoming Phil Collins. If Phil Collins had five paying fans. That's what's happened.

No. The Beatles may have finished their contract to bang out 2 more albums and then tell the label to go fuck themselves.

"redditor for 19 hours"

Nice try Opie.

Actually, Opie will probably be the last person to realize that Ant sucks


These are some of the most easily answered questions ever. Everyone put up with it because they all loved their jobs. They may have been in fear of losing their jobs leading up to every contract negotiation but they ride it out because what else are they going to do? That being said, Sam did try to get work on other channels at Sirius and was unsuccessful so it isn't like he never attempted to secure himself work elsewhere. Ant built a studio in his house in case shit hit the fan and he needed a backup plan. Jim continued to do stand up and trying to pitch sitcoms that nobody wanted (and he also admitted on air that he was, in fact, terrified that Opie was going to leave and the future of the show would be in question). Sal jumped ship all together.

What else are they going to do?

Go work for the "more talented" host who's starting his own podcasting network, of course? Seems like a no brainer. Why would you work for the "less talented" host, especially one that is keeping you in fear of your job?

If Opie is as bad as the pests are fantasizing that he is, then how bad must Anthony be, and how hopeless must his future prospects be that nobody is willing to come work for him?

People want to hate on Opie, but they'll get butthurt if I say Ant sucks. They can't have it both ways. Either way they have to admit that either Opie is alright and the staff like him and Anthony's recent tweets are full of shit, or that Anthony is so unstable and sucks so much that they'll work for a tyrant rather than risk jumping on Ant's sinking ship.

People are choosing job security over an uncertain future. How is that hard to understand? Opie is demonstrably less talented. He might be fine at pushing buttons and plunking down the phone lines but as far as being informed about topics and having interesting stories to tell he is abysmal. People stay with SiriusXM instead of going to Anthony for work because they have guaranteed money at SiriusXM. Going to work for Anthony would have been a risk and who knows who he even offered work to? I doubt he was offering salary and benefits to anybody. It's a start-up venture. It takes balls to leave a cushy studio job to risk your livelihood on a start-up no matter how talented you think the person is. You really think Jimmy has as much fun working with Opie as he does working with Anthony? Jimmy even admitted that Anthony has made him laugh harder than anybody on the planet and that he and Opie don't have the same sort of chemistry that he and Ant have. Jimmy stayed for the same reason that everybody else stayed: Guaranteed money. No matter how untalented or obnoxious Opie is, sitting on your ass for 4 hours a day 4 days a week isn't a bad gig and certainly not one that anybody could easily give up.

I agree with most of this. Given that Anthony has had over 8 months of shows and your answer still makes sense, this is as about as close to an admission that Ant sucks I've gotten so far. Making progress!

Less than a year is not a long time. What are you? A house fly?

It's long enough to understand that the show is what it is going to be. He's not ironing out any kinks. He rants about black people, promotes a toe-the-line Republican worldview (but gay marriage and abortion are ok for him) and then every once in a while an O&A regular comes around and it's slightly funnier (slightly) than when they are on O&J. Great stuff.

There are a lot of shows that are pretty hilarious. Some shows he covers news shit more (which I happen to like even though I disagree with him on a lot of shit). He says he is getting a studio in the city as well so that would change the complexion of the show. He recently had Filter on his show which is something totally different as well and was pretty cool. It's definitely different than the O&A show was but I think each week it gets better. There have been some episodes that are absolute shit but for the most part it is always improving. That's the most important thing to me. It appears that Anthony is actually attempting to make this into something better. He is actually putting work in to make it happen. Maybe it'll plateau and never evolve into what everyone wants it to but at least it seems like he is trying. We'll see what happens after he secures a studio in the city.

If I had to be in Erock's shoes I would have to nail them in.

Your troll account is too little too late.

It might be a troll account, but that doesn't change what we all know every time he jumps into an impression nobody asked for: Anthony fucking stinks.

Easy answer, Ant_Sucks (nice name, tho), is separate contracts and money...lots and lots of money.

That's not how Drama Queen Cumia put it. Didn't you know, they were in fear of their jobs!

I still haven't signed with Ant but may do it at some point.

Says it all really.