Friendly reminder: The Anthony Cumia show is FREE today. 4 pm EST.

130  2015-04-06 by arobben


Can you out the show up on YouTube for those who were at work?

Eta: it will be on YouTube shortly per cumia show tweet. Fawk yeah

Ant really is playing out this whole debacle perfectly.

When it comes to the tactics Ant is playing chess and opie is playing checkers, sloth tits maybe a good business man but he doesn't know radio

And he can't win.

It's 4:20 5:20 pm and Ant just crushed opie about being a buzz-kill and ruining his and Jimmy's gold.

Edit: and at 4:30 5:30 he just said he thinks some of us on reddit have the whole situation perfectly nailed, and he finds these subs very entertaining. Then he insinuated ope is mentally ill.


and maybe if he puts it on Youtube, as would make sense, and doesn't have his sycophant manservant Keith the Cop take it down, I'll actually be able to watch. Fucking Keith doesn't get enough shit on here, teasing hosts who don't actually turn out to be the host and his general gestapo attitude towards clips of TACS.

Keith is good people. He contributes a lot on air, and is largly responsible why TACS got off the ground when it did.

He has made mistakes, but each time has admitted to it and made it right immediately. Read his AMA (?) on the TACS sub. Nigger takes things seriously and gets room for error as he has never really done this before.

He is doing a stand up job in my opinion.

maybe you're right. this opinion is based on him taking down a few videos from a while ago and I never read why he did it or even knew he did an AMA. but still, regardless of why, to tease cohosts who are entirely unconfirmed is shitty.

to tease cohosts who are entirely unconfirmed is shitty.

Cant argue with that. Pissed me off as well. But confirming my earlier point, he is aware about this, and tweeted that he will explain why he did that today.

Again, very self aware, does a great job overall, addresses his mistakes. Good egg in general.

I hate his voice, how can a retired cop sound like he's 15 years old?

And how does he sound more whiny and annoying than Rat?

He contributes nothing humorous, a lot that is irritating and just a little that is beneficial when the subject is "cops"


TACS is a small business run subscription based show. Keith has every right to remove unauthorized video clips. Bootlegging content from Sirius versus TACS is morally two different issues.

But also—

The only people in the TACS black market are broke superfans, pathologically cheap-ass superfans, and people who don't really give a fuck about what he's doing but want to check it out once in a while, either to enjoy it or mock it.

So: Potential subscribers, no-fucking-chance guys, and people who'll maybe "advertise" the show by talking about it.

Seriously, how many people are straight-up stealin' the show who'd switch to paying for it if they couldn't find it stolen somewhere? Five dudes?

Obviously Anthony shouldn't encourage people to rip it off but he shouldn't worry about them either. Having his goons chasing after clips on YouTube and threatening torrent dweebs kinda makes him look like an asshole. But that probably doesn't matter either.

Except that it might make the goons feel proprietary toward the show and start talking too much on it or pushing it in a wrong (perhaps homosexual) direction or maybe doing some incomprehensible April Fools' promotion that makes people sad.

But that's all theoretical.


Hey shitdick, it doesn't have to be on Youtube to watch it. Streaming it live for free

Anybody else who cannot connect?


What kind of hamster powered shit server are they running?

Rat powered. He must have screwed up big time.

You are a gentleman and a scholar.

So, the Anti-Opie.


Same here. The most annoying part is that free loaders are watching, yet as a paying subscriber I'm left out.

Same here


I predict a lot of people are going to be let down with the "war" today

Dont know why people call it a "war". Its not. There is some shit they need to settle. We have a small chance to hear it on air. Once they talk this shit out its done. No fucking way Opie does this live and if he does it will most likely be after having the real talk privately and then doing a "bit" so we dont get to hear him called out and made a fool....and honestly thats the part I want to hear. So if it gets watered down with private conversations it will lose its purpose.

I don't know.. I just tubed in at 4:20 5:20 just in time to hear ant tell a caller that when he and Jimmy would be spitting out gold and having a blast, opie would ruin everything and go to the phones. He was pretty openly mocking ope.


Thanks dude. Just reposting Keith the Cop's post from another thread. :)

This is gold. He doesn't even seem that angry, he's just spilling the beans. Greggshells has already been mentioned a couple of times. Ant gave it a shoutout as one of the greatest phrases he's heard.

Holy fuck, he's letting it all out...Greggshells, we HAVE a Greggshells acknowledgement.

Anthony calling out that the reddit term "walking on Greggshells" is completely true, was fucking great

how well does it stream on mobile?

hd quality

walking on gregg shells, lol, gg

We're officially geniuses for coming up with that. Good job gang!

I invented that Robin

This is entertaining and all but I'd really like to hear what Chuck or Snowaaay have to say.

lookin forward to it

That's about 4am China time but maybe I can keep myself awake.

Sleepy almond eyes

AKA closed eyes. Seriously, my camera actually asked "Did someone shut their eyes" when taking a photo of my wife with her eyes as wide open as they get. :(

*it was a japanese digital camera!

Being sold down the river by your own people. Disgusting.

Cumia stream a shit. I don't think the servers can handle all of these people.

Yeah, I can't even load the site.

It's literally the music video for "Let the Bodies Hit the Floor." Does he start every show that way?



oh shit

To add context - the management team knows nothing about good radio. So if they like the show, that must mean that the show fucking sucks.

Someone needs to do a rundown of this. Each part summarized

You do it, sir.

Don't turn this into a bit, we need to get together for a beer first

Ant just compared Opie to Stern. It's official, bridges are burned haha

"Even management knew about the Greggshells thing" - Anthony Cumia

Not only is this great, this is the first time I've heard new Anthony content in nine months. Man I missed this fuckin guy. Subscribing now.

I forgot how fucking funny Ant is. Subbing to his show now.

I won't be able to tune in live. :( Hopefully someone records it or Ant makes it available free on-demand or YouTube.

I'm sure it'll go up on youtube like his AMA.

I did the free signup a while ago and I couldn't get into where ever the live feed was supposedly playing

I just registered, everything points to the subscription fee thing

I'm a bit confused/retarded about this too. Does a person need to sign up or the show will just start on the main page or... im overtired whats the deal?

Should just be on the main page.

it's working no signup this time

but what a freeze motherfucker so gonna have to watch it later anyways.

okay yes! it looks like it just plays automatically on that homepage which is nice to see.

Same here. Do not know whether it will stream diretly after hitting the link watch live now. Feeling confused/retarded as well.

I am guessing Anthony and them are just subtracting the cost from paid subscibers which he did before becuase of technical issues so he saw this as a way to pay them back but called it FREE.

And I believe he will put it fully on youtube later so I guess we can't bitch too much about the confusing FREE word.

that's my guess could be wrong.

Could anyone doubt that Anthony is as honest as Oqie is a bald-faced liar?

it's not just the truth, it's the WHOLE TRUTH, exactly like we want. and there's so much of it!

Anthony finally calling out Opie for being a sensitive pussy.

Opie is a bigger cunt than we ever imagined.

nah id say people were just about right


Oh fuck FH Riley's

I checked this out just to support him finally making a smart decision and having a free show. Its 2015, stop charging you will make your money back when you attract 10x the listeners then the advertisers will give you a niiicce envelope or even a taste! Just advice from a business man

Does Anthony brandish one of his weapons today? Probably not.

Yes he does. It's how he opens. Places his gun on the table and stares at the camera. Waiting. Waiting... Waiting...

phone rings

By gun you mean his peckah......... right?

Fawk yeah!

I've been desperately trying to find someone who can fill my shift this afternoon, just so I can listen to today's show live.

. . . I'm ashamed of myself for being such a drama-loving-girl, and should be killed.

No killing please.

Are they live right now?

Video says they are, but I'm confused because its just Jim & Ant bullshitting. Wouldn't think Jim would be there today.

In my defense, the video says Live in the top left, but it looks like a prerecorded bit with the watermark on the bottom.

It's a replay of the Norton/Von show. Worth a watch for those big titties falling out.

That is from last week when Von was on talking about the Patrice movie


Do I need to sign-up in order to watch this show?


We have a traffic problem folks.

This is so great...

Word on the street is Anthony is going to show a short video of him giving Lyndsi some Arabian goggles with his half-hard monster in her mouth while Skate or Die and Skate or Die 2 cry loudly in the background.

this is the best shit ive ever heard

I can't wait to hear Opie's misguided butt hurt rebuttal against Ant's rant.

He won't have anything to rebutt. He didn't hear any of this, I'm sure.

Good point.


Opie won't say shit, which will just solidify everything ant has said so far. Jimmy might bring it up tho, but maybe not cuz of those pesky greggshells.


Im watching right now. Its like seeing the red army storm Berlin. Holy fucking shitballs.

I'm apart of history now by watching this.

A fast pause-play fixes the drop in quality.

Missed the first hour, this NEEDS to be put up on youtube.

Yeah I'm working as well, really hope there's a youtube clip up when I get home

Agree. I'm going to miss the last of it and have had to mute a few times here at work. Really would like to be able to catch-up.

Opie "No Raise" Hughes.

Opie did the math, and realized that if you renegotiate every year, you won't make more money.

He doesn't even know how to make money.

Hey. He's a business man.

Appease.. and carrots too... Tsk tsk

"I read through a lot of shlt about the show on the internet - especially Reddit"

Its amazing how much you nail it - you're like retarded family members.



Can you listen on mobile??

Why did Keith the douche kick it off with bodies?

I can't even get the livestream to work. This is goin' great. NVM got it.

so good so far!

"Let the Bodies Hit the Floor" - niiiiice. Anthony goes deep with the Drowning Pool.

I am enjoying this...a lot

Everyone saying this would be watered down and we would be guys fawkin nailed it

does the link constantly buffer for anyone else?

no it's streaming right for me

I'm refresh, refresh, refresh...

Same here. Refresh, refresh, refresh, then "Can you repeat that, Anthony???"

I'm so glad I'm not you guys.

This show is better than birthdays!

haha Ant acknowledged Opie's constant derailing of the show





Mad shit is being talked. I love this.

I have a feeling that today's podcast will be ignored on O&J.

"I didn't have time to sit there and listen. I don't have a subscription. Plus I didn't want to download all these extra thingss just to watch. Plus I only had time for 1 podcast yesterday. For real. Florentine had Awful Vanity Plates #16. There's some good ones there. Like this guy with a minivan who has Playa. Brewwtalll. How was your weekend, Jimmy?"

I predict vague, passive-aggressive references to start the show.

"Well I had a good weekend, pretty boring, anyone else have an interesting weekend? HUH-HUH HUH-HUH"

You're probably right. And it will be in that smug "too cool guy" voice. It'll be interesting, I hope. Wonder what Jimmy will say/do.

Dont forget a philly crew mention.

Followed by Jimmy's bored depressed mumbling.



Let the games begin, in 10 minutes from now


This is INSANE it's like watching Nazi Germany land their troops on the moon to go to war with Mars oh my god we're all a part of history years from now we will all be regaling folks with stories of where we were when this broadcast happened. This is bigger than the Lincoln, MLK, and JFK assassinations all rolled into one. This is founding fathers level shit right here.

And we're shoulder to shoulder here boys, the front line.


Well, I'm not sure how many people were left on that island anyway, but if anything this confirms that Fez's retirement isn't a work.


obviously this is interesting in terms of the O&A show, but this is the first time i have watched the whole TACS and my god is it shit.

has anyone made a joke so far?

Hey while this is one of the most interesting things a fan of Opie and ANthony show will ever hear why aren't there more jokes about the death of a 20 year friendship? THIS SHOW SUCKS!!


He clearly isnt going for jokes right now ya bumbling autist.. you need more self awareness brothaman

yeah this is what O&A was always all about. serious ranting about feelings and professional arguments.

my favourite part of this show was the hilarious, ten minute "how we almost got ron bennington interested in doing a show" story.

he has had multiple free shows. Plenty of funny shows. Why did you tune in to todays show? It couldn't possibly be you wanted to hear about the feelings and professional arguments that have been going on lately and esp. over the way you wanted to hear about just made it appointment viewing on this particular episode out of coincidence

this aint O&A brothaman and that story wasnt supposed to be funny.. might want to look at yourself and realize you're the problem for trying to find the humor in something serious.. Ant isn't the problem in the end brothaman..

Yup. Us fans are stuck in the worst possible scenario. We went from 1 great show to two SHIT shows. Anthony was always my favorite of the 3 and I immediately subscribed for a full year when he started TACS, but it really does suck. It's incredibly dull and boring and that's coming from someone who loves Ant. O&J blows dick too, don't get me wrong. But now we have two shows that suck which just makes me sad and I listen to old O&A clips on youtube more than than either show.

Ant's a fantastically interesting guy but the truth is that he needs a "play-by-play" guy to keep the show focused.

It's why we want Ron & Ant so badly - a radio vet like Ron is fantastic at maintaining the structure and unlike Opie, he can actually be entertaining while doing it.

You're right, nothing more interesting than an aging man-child idealog. You must watch a lot of Bill O'Reilly too.

If I wasn't interested in ideas from aging man-children I wouldn't have become a fan of O&A in the first place you peckah.

So you admit to being a frothy-mouthed mongoloid then.

Just looked through your post history. Signed up in the last hour, have been shitting on people in this thread ever since.

Opie, is that you? Seriously now.

I shit on everyone here, I hold no alligence to either of these dipshits. So don't try to bring me into your Opie fetish, I know you see him everywhere. In the faces of old white men, crying babies and angry Hispanic women. Time heals all wounds, sweetheart. Stay strong.

I shit on everyone here

I beg your pardon for not recognizing exactly the kind of person you've been in your illustrious 2-hour posting career.

I don't understand what you're trying to do here? Was the rest of that post too many words?

Seriously now, three hours ago you had never posted on reddit. Suddenly you're actively bashing and trolling in multiple threads.

You're either some shitty troll pest who heard Ant mention reddit and signed up for an account or you're Gregg "Opie" Hughes, on your day off, spending your time anonymously defending yourself and bashing Ant so it seems like you have supporters on the internet.

But hey, welcome to reddit! When you get done with internet arguing, check out gonewild. Lotta nice vaginas there.

So am I supposed to sign up and not post, what exactly is your point here, billy bob?

I couldnt listen to this live. Is it available anywhere right now? Did anyone record and can upload the whole thing or at least the highlight reel?

That was me! I invented Greggshells. Probably.


Slaade was the first one to use it.

Wow. Anthony just mentioned my amazing O&A animation.

He didn't.

Whoops, looks like something went wrong.

This is all I get, for like 20 minutes. FUCK.


Jesus Christ, shut the fuck up already. You've posted that same picture about 20 times.


You should head over to /r/tacsdiscussion and let them know as well!! I'm sure you'll be well received!

aren't you the one that hates anthony anyway? thought you'd be psyched

Nope, never said that. I've only pointed out the circle jerks here, somehow that makes me hate Ant and love Opie.

You're the guy that visits that sub huh? Truth is Tacs should be free, he charges for it and has adverts on it too. Fuck Anthony.

I just alerted Joe Cumia. The FBI party van is on the way fucko.


You're the guy that visits that sub huh? Truth is Tacs should be free, he charges for it and has adverts on it too. Fuck Anthony.

aren't you the one that hates anthony anyway? thought you'd be psyched

We're officially geniuses for coming up with that. Good job gang!

Opie did the math, and realized that if you renegotiate every year, you won't make more money.

He doesn't even know how to make money.

I don't understand what you're trying to do here? Was the rest of that post too many words?