What could he actually do to redeem himself in your eyes?

1  2015-04-06 by loabaron

basically the title. I was thinking how much it must suck to be opie right now, and a weird combination selfishness and trace elements of empathy made me think "if i were him i would be praying that there was something i could do to get a second chance and redeem myself", so anyone got any ideas? seriously, is it possible to undo that many years of damage done by an unlikeable personality and if so, how the fuck would he go about doing that? or is that it, and he has essentially been completely written off as some kind of lesser person who will forever be a figure of hate, either because it's become some sort of weird fun pastime or because he is just unlikeable, and the best thing he could do is slink off into the shadows, never to be heard of again?

I was wracking my brain trying to think of something but it seems like an impossible task. Which aspects of him could be repented and fixed? the lies could be addressed with honesty, he could appear on ants show or whatever and they could hash things out in a free and open and entertaining way, which would gain him some respect again.

And then he could get tons of awesome hilarious guestsand provide an environment where they could all bounce off eachother and create some brilliant entertainment, while he steers the ship but then he will say something douchey and uninformed and the hate will start to boil up again because that is an inescapable aspect of him.

TL;DR: Is it already completely over for opie, or is there still a faint glimmer of actual real hope?


suck cock live.

Herpes covered horse cock.


He can act like a man! Whassa matter with you

A few things could restore some respect. Not much but a tassssste: 1) Tell the truth. 2) Own up to the lies and explain why he lied. 3) Admit that his career would not be where it is without Anthony.


I'm only a tier 2 or tier 3 hater, so I do think Opie could do some things to bring himself back. Two things are paramount: 1.) Stop the fucking lying. Just honestly be yourself. 2.) Forever banish the Greggshells. Let people tear you apart and laugh along with them. Stop getting offended at EVERYTHING. Its insane that a show built around comedy and bashing people is hosted by a thin skinned whiner.

Also...for me at least... Appear on the Anthony Cumia Show tomorrow. O&J are not on tomorrow, Ant is making the show free. How awesome would it be if it was because Opie was a surprise guest. That would really take a lot of ego swallowing to go out to LI to appear in Ant's basement. That would be a good move.

Tell the truth. Or make a "viral video" of him sucking on his own tits.

Short of bringing Patrice back from the dead, nothing.



Claim that he is in a abusive relationship and has been a battered husband who's wife has been running his life for years and now he is filling for a divorce and needs help. No on second thought fuck him nothing.

I don't know how much more of this I can take