Anthony now wants you to believe that Opie was keeping the entire staff in fear of their jobs every year, and he couldn't do anything about it.

0  2015-04-06 by Ant_Sucks

This is a thread for you to admit that you believe that, and why you're that stupid.


Hi Hudson. Daddy Loves you.

  • Bam

I like turtles

Yeah, he could have threatened to not sign as well!

Poor E-rock. :(

*every two years

I don't know if the staff thought they'd lose their jobs for sure, but they might have had some fear of that, which is a lot to deal with.

"they might". Anthony said it explicitly.

"I swear, @OpieRadio can say we all knew that it was a "bluff" but EVERYONE on staff had no clue if we had a job within minutes of a deadline"

This is such bullshit, and it's the smoking gun for Anthony's bullshit about always being the victim. Did he just let this happen? He's a millionaire with a talent agent and expensive lawyers, and he's acting like a battered housewife who had no control over Evil Opie.

How many of the staff got sick of Opie's last minute tactics and quit in protest to work for Ant? None.

If anyone still believes his story 100% you are dumber than Bobo.

Did someone mention Opie? Here's a random fact!

10/10 doctors recommend OpieRadio youtube videos to treat insomnia.

I think you have autism.