SlothFactsBot is the unsung hero of this uprising

47  2015-04-05 by dejavu4thedead

Who would have predicted a bot about sloths would be the icing on the cake of this beautiful insurrection?


Sloth fact: They're compulsive liars and pretend to show apathy when confronted.

Sloth fact: They have tits.

Sloth fact: They're all in.

Did someone mention sloths? Here's a random fact!

Much like the humps on camels, Gregg Hughes' tits provide him a source of nourishment when food is scarce. He can survive for up to three months without food or water.

Because of this sub I have grown to recognize and appreciate the tits on a Sloth

because of a twitter battle between two old men, and a reference by the ousted drunk founder of a popular magazine, i now know that sloths make fatal mistakes concerning electric poles.

the world takes strange turns.

Did someone mention sloths? Here's a random fact!

Sloths have very slow metabolisms for creatures their size. This is why they can survive with leaves as their main source of food.

My nigga!

you da real MVP

I wonder if sloths make good pets?

Tuesday song opener: Porno for Pyros - Pets

We need a SlobFactsBot for Lady Di

bring back phillie crew bot

Now we've got an OpieFactsBot running around here too.

Is that really a bot or a person? If it's a person they are going to get burned out real quick. Since every other word here is Opie.

I think it's probably a person but it just cracked me up, and it's got some real potential to be hilarious.

Listen to us just kicking back talking comedy. This is the life am I right gang?

Slothbot vs. Opiebot! There are no winners.

I noticed this earlier too. It's truly the best thing to happen to the Opie and Anthony subreddit since opiesucks.