ant fucking stinks

0  2015-04-05 by Ant_Sucks

use this thread to express how much he stinks and why.


I may regret this in a year or two but, fuck you.

I don't think it will take a year. :)


No, Fuck you.

When Opie are Jimmy were talking about Starbucks, and the idea of stalker patti having a discussion about #racetogether came up.

Jimmy had a single quick line and they moved on, and all I could think was "man this would be 30-45 minutes of nonstop laughs of Ant was there. But he wasn't. Because Opie signed a contract without him, and then lied to us consistently about Ant's intentions. Ant sucks.

Because Opie signed a contract without him, and then lied to us consistently about Ant's intentions.

If you believe that, then you believe Ant is a manbaby with no personal responsibility, and people have been taking advantage of him his whole life. His ex wife, lawyers, Obama, blacks, Joe De Rosa, and now Opie. In other words, you read his twitter and watch his show.

Which part of what I said isn't true?

I can't prove or disprove what you're thinking, but neither can you prove or disprove what Opie, Jimmy or Ant's intentions were.

Yeah, I can only believe their words based on content of character. And with the countless lies Opie has told over the last few months, years, decades, who the hell would believe him when he claims to have known what another man was thinking, when that man refutes every one of his claims 7 hours later?

If you judge based on the content of character why don't you judge based on Anthony's years of playing the victim card? That's his character. Telling stories about who fucked him over, is fucking him over, or who he's preparing to defend himself against in case they fuck him over.

His latest story is that he and the whole crew were held hostage to resigning negotiations by Opie. If you believe that you believe he has no power and no agency of his own, and just let it all happen. You believe that he's not a rich and powerful millionaire with a talent agent, a lawyer and a huge fanbase. He's a manbaby who lets people walk all over him.

If you believe that you believe that he resigned every contract, even knowing about Opie's manipulation or whatever he's calling it, letting the entire staff be held hostage to Opie's whim every single time, and did nothing. He put money above whatever scummy tactics he's claiming Opie is pulling.

After Anthony got fired he stated that he would have resigned if he given the chance. He did for 20 years despite all these complaints he's suddenly just having about Opie. If Opie really was keeping the staff in the dark about resigning, Ant can't have really had too many moral qualms about it, could he. He publicly stated he would have signed a new contract. Now he's saying Opie get everybody in the dark up about whether they would have a job o rnot until the deadline, but sure he would have signed all over again.

Which is it Anthony? Opie kept you all in the dark, and that was terrible because you all feared for your jobs, or you would have signed for another year with him no problem?

How many of the Sirius staff quit in protest and went to work for him? Zero.


It's the same fucking story with Anthony every time. He's always the victim.

But he's not claiming to be a victim. He's saying "no I didn't" to Opie's outlandish claims about Ant's secret desires to want out of O&A.

Playing the victim would be blaming Opie for his firing.

Playing the victim would be blaming Opie for his firing.

He already heavily implied it during this conversation. He blames everybody for his firing, but himself. To this day his whole narrative there was "Oh boy y'know how angry I can get when I tweet. That management just doesn't understand.". Now its edging towards implying Opie had something to do with it. Is he starting to believe the pest's conspiracy theories about Opie?

He can't have it both ways. He can't have personal responsibility and not have played a part in keeping the Sirius staff in fear of their jobs, and he can't be a victim without looking like a complete fucking walkover.

Is he a manbaby or not? Does he let Opie fuck over the Sirius staff while he waits and says "Please Sir, Can I have some more?". Is he going to play the victim and let the pests fight his battles for him? At what point is he going to take responsibility?

I see your point, but its a completely different discussion. Yes Ant is the reason Ant was fired (and hypocrisy, white guilt, but primarily Ant, I'll agree). In don't think anything Ant said, even the Opie raise comment implies that its Opies fault.

Opie chose money, and the well being of the staff (I guess, I don't know that they would all be thrown out on the street and not employed by O&A) over his partnership with Ant, and the respect of the fans.

And Ant was fine with that, on the surface. It wasn't until Opie kept changing the story on air in order to make sure he was never held accountable for his 'heel turn' by insisting Ant wanted it this way.

If Opie just came out and said "I was tired of doing radio with Ant. I don't hate black people, and I'm tired of hearing about them on my show." none of this would've happened. Ant is responding because he keeps getting accused.

Ant is responding because he keeps getting accused.

I must be reading a different sub, because he really doesn't. It's the fans that keep pushing conspiracy theories at both of them. He is defended well beyond what he should be. His obvious bullshit is left unquestioned because he's really good at being the victim. He's better than any SJW is at it because he knows how to be funny when he's doing it.

But just like an SJW and their pity parade you eventually reach a point where you know they're exaggerating how helpless they are.

If anything, I think he reads this sub and has started believing the conspiracy theories, because he's contradicting things he said months ago.


2015-04-05 01:59 UTC

The biggest raise @OpieRadio got during the Sirius/XM tenure was after I was fired.

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A the ol' courageous throwaway account. When you have a controversial opinion, make sure you hide as much as possible right?

Wrong. You're a pussy. A spineless nothing. You know who does not hide his opinions? Ant!

Now go home and get your fucking shine box!

Throwaway account? This one is a keeper!

Then please brave sir, share with us your other account. We all know you have one, so in the name of transparency, tell us about yourself. Don't hide like a scared little girlie because the mean boys might make fun of you...It's only an opinion right?

My other account is /u/opiesucks



Suck a ziplock bag full of dicks op. Like each one. Individually..

Otherwise known as watching TACS.

The only thing that really stinks about Ant is the fact that he fucks school girls. Nahhhhh fuck that, that's awesome too!

Ant was a reason to wake up in the morning. Go fuck yourself OP

I love what you did around here. Let's see what happens in two years

Hi Opie!

Ant smells...okay. He doesn't stink.

How dare you.


Ant was warned repeatedly that his racist diatribes were crossing a line, and endangering the show.

He continued to do them, and it blew up the show.

If I had a partner that did the same thing, I would be pissed at them for blowing up the show, and I'd be incredulous if his fans were blaming ME for it. It's just completely nonsensical; Anthony Cumia is the reason that Anthony Cumia was fired. It wasn't management, it wasn't Opie, it wasn't Jim. Ant said racist shit in a day and age when it will get you fired, and it got him fired.

Its not so much that Ant stinks, its just how obvious its become that Jimmy was and still is the funniest and most important part of the show. Ant cant do a single show without stealing a Jimmy line or character.

There was some debate after Ant was fired that Op and Jim would have to change the show out of repect to Ant and not try to replicate what he did. But it seems Ant is trying to make his podcast into the O&A show, even using bits from the old show.

for example... he will always goes off on shitty unfunny Dice impressions and kills the funny mood on whatever topic was going on, but if you go on any tangent he goes "geeeeeeuugggghhh OHHHHH!"

This. I loathe the Dice impressions.

If you don't think Andrew Dice Gay is/was funny, you should kill your self now.

I thought that was the funniest fucking thing ever, when he did it in 2006. Ant runs everything into the ground. That's his thing.

I don't think it will take a year. :)

My other account is /u/opiesucks