In light of recent events, /u/opiesucks, comment?

13  2015-04-05 by [deleted]


you're fucking welcome.

Subtle. Yet to the point. We're done here boys.

Lock the site and upload it to

I just finished a season of the wire and this feels kind of the same. Were are done for now but if tit's lies and gets out of radio jail were gonna have to gather the team up again and finish the job.

You did it!!!! Now Anthony is going to.... What exactly? Demand answers? No, he's going to be back on the show? No,He's going to get Opie on his show? No Jimmy is now part of Anthony's show? No, uh what did you do exactly? You did something, right?

we manipulated the hate

I was with /u/opiesucks from the beginning of this sub. Back when you could only find his comments buried at the bottom of every thread. I salute him and his gumption. Never backed down and came out on top.

humblebrag. I know you were an early supporter. you're marked as a friend. thank you for believing in me. couldnt have done it without you.


Someone should buy the guy reddit gold.

Bravo, sir.

I always believed

Can we stop sucking this guy's dick already?

Opie pls go

This sub is all about how Opie sucks but you're bothered by the attention /u/opiesucks gets?

No I don't suck dicks. You suck dicks. I aint nevah sucked a couple a dicks a few years ago. Nevah.