All right, Opie...

4  2015-04-05 by Scartoxic

You called down the thunder. Well, now you've got it! You see that? It says "Free Anthony Cumia Show April 6th."... Take a good look at him, Ope, because that's how you're gonna end up!... The Raqio shows are finished, you understand me?! I see bad content, I hilariously shit on the man sayin' it! So run, you cur... RUN! Tell all the other curs the LAW'S coming! You tell 'em I'M coming... and Hell's coming with me, you hear?! Hell's coming with me!


Get your head out of your ass.

There's nothing that Anthony can do, say or tweet that could affect SiriusXM's commitment to the O&J show; and there's nothing that Opie can do, say or tweet that can affect TACS. These are two separate shows sustained by two separate audiences. They aren't even on in the same time slot, so you can't say they're competing with one another for anything.

Give it up. There's less drama here than you imagine.

Why, Johnny Ringo...

Because there's nothing at stake for either Opie or Anthony in this conflict.

For example, let's assume that it will ultimately come to a real, physical punch-up between these two. It'll never happen, believe me, but let's just assume it does: What could either of them possibly lose as a result of it that's of any consequence. When the battle is over, they'll still have their respective shows, and they'll still have their audiences. None of it will matter.

I'll be your huckleberry...

You gonna skin that twitter or just stand there and bleed...