How do Jimmy and Opie keep the show together with Anthony acting like this?

0  2015-04-05 by darren192

Seriously wondering. Anthony's a genius and really funny but how do you deal with the constant random drunken explosions on twitter? Its like a guy you're friends with who gets in random fights or is constantly arrested.

How are Jimmy and Opie supposed to react? Just follow this guy's podcast journey that has a credo of "I don't give a fuck"?


Opie was drunk last night big guy. Grapefruit beer. Read the tweets


Who the fuck wants the show kept together? If you somehow believe Ant is overreacting to opie's bull shit and lies youre a fucking idiot. Ant has been nothing but reasonable, mature, and respectful to shelly for far too long, but shelly crossed the line. He deserves every ounce of cumia's wrath. Are you even paying attention?

The same way as before, Op will just ignore it.

They just do the show, bad as it is. That's how they keep it together.

It's not like the show is in any danger.