So what is happening with Sammy and E-rock?

3  2015-04-05 by [deleted]

It's been leaked by an unidentified source that the new additions to Sloth and Jimmy are producers, the Stangel Brothers.

Is Sam and E-rock out of a job? Or do they get their own full time show?

As much as people bash Sam, he's been a solid addition to the team. I'd resubscribe if it was Sam and Jim. They bounce off each other well.

I digress.

Anyone have the "Scoop"?


Erock has the scoop. A scoop of ice cream in his coke.

Coke Floats in my cup, nigggggaaaa

I don't have the clip but it's on youtube. Ron Bennington of the Ron and Fez show grilled Sam recently about being in radio for (or almost) 10 years and not having his own show yet and pretty much said "Do you wanna be remembered as 'opie's guy' forever or do you wanna break out?" Shortly after that Opie announced Sam would be getting his own show but failed to specify when.

I remember that but what Ron was saying was that Sam needed to prove himself if he wanted a show. Sam was jealous because some other dude got a show, and he felt he didn't deserve it. Ron told him that the guy worked on FM radio, and made it to Sirius. Unlike Sam who has rode the coattails of O&A. Sam feels like FM is beneath him (which was disrespectful to Ron who's a legend on terrestrial and satellite), and Ron was basically telling him that he can be Opie's guy forever but just know that when he's done, you're done.

He's saying it's better to prove himself now by taking a chance in the business, or ride this sinking ship, and when it's done you get pushed back to being a call screener on some other show. Sam wants his own show but when OpieRadio is no more, will the business think he's a guy that can bring in the numbers?

I'm gonna go against the grain here and say that Ron Bennington is a genius


I am looking for sam to come out swinging on Monday with the opster. This is a real chance for him to not fuck around and prove his worth. If he does nothing then fuck him too


Hopefully sam is getting diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer and erock...maybe he stays on board?

You think the Stengel brothers, who were earning at least $500K/year to serve as Letterman's head writers, are coming to Sirius to supplant a couple of production guys?

My best guess is that this is a "consultant" type deal. Don't ask me what the fuck they'll be doing, but I don't think they'll be cutting up clips for Opie's morning zoo.

Opie did say Sams getting his own show within a few months (this was probably a month or two ago). It was in Twitter and on air. This actually coincides with the timing since Sam will need time to get a show together. Idk about Eric, maybe he is helping Sam.

Sam is that snickering rat creature that sat on Jabba The Hutt's shoulder 'salacious crumb' and he will hang on Jabba's shoulder until the very end.

Then somehow sneak his way out of trouble when Opie goes down and show up on the other side. Trained by Opie after all. Not like the movie. But like a sneaky rat.

In addition to Opie's comment, I saw some interview with him on some wrestling podacast where the host, who was interviewing Sam, made note of Sams upcoming show. This was a week and a half ago.