Jim Norton comments on the situation.

37  2015-04-05 by GumbleDog


Middle of the Road Norton strikes again.

What the hell is he supposed to do?

tranny jokes

Mhm, I don't blame him. I'd likely give the same response too. He really isn't affiliated with the problem at hand. Opie is pretty much all to blame.

Die in a fire

Aids fire*

Slip on a puddle of AIDs fire?

He is supposed to act like he has vertebrae and conviction for once in his over the hill life.

And stick with who exactly?

Be the company boy and defend Opie and betray his good friend (who's a better friend to him than Opie)

Or is he to stick with his friend and possibly violate the terms of his contract?

The latter; it's what people with conviction do.

Use that razor sharp wit to start middling for Kindler in the Catskills!

He can't turn on Ant because he knows Ant's right. He can't turn on Opie because he has to work with him. He really has no play here.

Some needs to tell Anthony to take a 'chill pill'!


Upvote this if you 'know what I mean'

LOL (laughing out loud!)

Opie needs to take a kill pill.

They just need to bury the hatchet and throw a good ol' bra bombing am I right fellas?

You sure are! Quit leaning on their shovels, grab their lunch pails and hit the job-site.

Ah but what do I know...

Got any extra military regalia?

I felt my brain retract further into my skull upon reading this.

Levity, just like with Chip's response.

My guess is that this isn't bothering Norton that much. Remember Jim is still on good terms with Ant, for all we know they could be having a good chuckle over the phone about Tits at this very moment.

I bet his stomach hurts.

And his mouth is dry or filled with cum.

Norton should start writing some jokes. Because this doesn't look good.

I saw him on Friday night. He killed. His act is pretty solid right now.

I'll go to one of his shows. If you say he's solid I'll definitely check him out, he's definitely a funny fucker. It just pains me to hear, he has low turnouts in non-OnA cities. I always believed he needed to spend more time with writing and doing groundwork, I'm not a comedian. I just know you need to stay fresh when making content. Stuff even Colin Quinn would say to him over the years. I don't think he's "peaked" or middling on success, he just has more work to do.

This was in Denver and the show I was at wasn't sold out, but it was close, and it's a fairly large room. I know a coupe of the shows ended up selling out.

Then again Denver is a big comedy city in general. Ronnie B. thinks it's the weed.

Gotta love lil' Yimmy.

I can never hate Jimmy. Damn him.


This faggot needs his paycheck, do you really expect him to bite the hand that feeds?



2015-04-05 04:19:03 UTC

People are expecting me to comment on the situation currently unfolding between @OpieRadio and @AnthonyCumia. It's simple. They just need to

[Mistake?] [Suggestion] [FAQ] [Code] [Issues]

Aww, he's just a sweater boy cutie

Ol' Paycheck McGillicuddy isn't gonna take a side

if he have to he will take the side with the bigger paycheck

Get over it.