7  2015-04-05 by carlooch

Honestly I do not know how opie has the balls to come at anthony over this shit. We will never know the full story, but I know the majority of us side with Ant and rightfully so. I am so tired of "its the bit" and "I'm all in with". Listening to O+J is painful. Op misses so many of Norton's jokes, and then goes "stupide me". yes he is fucking stupid and yes Opie, reddit fucking hates you.


I haven't been this happy/excited in a while. I'm such a faggot

One man and one sloth enter!!!

I miss Jimmy and Ant belly-laughing at each other's jokes

Yimmies belly laugh is the best

FIIIGHTTIINNGGG out of the red corner, this man holds a degree in lying, deception, and a complete inability to broadcast alone! He holds a radio record of 0 wins. Standing at 5'10 and weighing in at 177 pounds of lactation. He is THE REEEIIIGNING, DEFENDING, LIGHT-WEIGHT DRINKING, AND BABY HIT CHAMPION OF THE WOOOORLD. None other than, GREGGG "THEE SKINNY-FAAAAAAAAT...HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGHES"