What do you think Greggshells is doing right now?

9  2015-04-05 by iamnotopieradio

I'll bet a Slobbo baby onesie that he's knocking at the bedroom door asking Lysni and Bam if he can sleep in their bed tonight


He's enjoying all the easter egg pictures his fans are sending him. Nice try with the hate tho.

ME: Actually Snowy just sent me a GREAT sunset pic

Pretending he is watching sports on twitter.


I bet he's heating up!

He's lurking twitter right now. He's trying to brush this off as ridiculous hate, and manipulation by Ant but he can't stop lurking. Whenever he sees something negative he laughs at himself while muttering "fucking haters," but he knows he fucked up. Sunday will be him trying to stay away from twitter, and he'll wonder if he should take off a couple of days and just throw on a best of.

He's marinating a steak in BBQ sauce while wiping piss off the toilet seat with his foot.



Masturbating and tweaking his nipples to all the attention he's getting on his twitter.


Thinking back to the days before he met Anthony. A simpler time.....

Manipulating the hate
