Now that Ant blew the big surprise, it'll be interesting to see if Opie responds in kind...

5  2015-04-05 by mrwienerdog

First off, I do not like Opie at all. Wonder though If the gloves will be off on both sides now? Will he confirm the heart attack? Comments on the alcoholism or once rumoured intervention?


He'll lure Anthony into a trap and crush him under the weight of his mammaries.

The heart attack is confirmed and I have never heard of the intervention but eh whadda I know I just lace up my boots and work all the live long day

Who had a heart attack and when?

Didnt realize the heart thing was confirmed. Apologies.

whats the heart attack rumor and intervention rumor?

often mentioned that Ant had some heart problems, though never confirmed (and fair enough - gotta be private about some stuff). Also read on here awhile back about some supposed intervention. That one is probably bull shit, but Tits McGuillicutty lies about everything, so who knows - maybe he says something to try to get Ant back?

Doug/Benjamin/Danny - not even you could ruin this beautiful moment in time.

oh hell, I can't stand Opie. I'm truly curious if he will be that big of a dick to talk about really personal shit, that's all.

oh hell


Opie will continue to run away from an actual disagreement just like he always does. He only goes after soft targets.