Boom, headshot.

85  2015-04-05 by stevenknight


Opie is probably calling Anthony now, so it doesnt go to air, because Anthony will destory him

It's beautiful!!!!



DOWN GOES FRAISER! DOWN GOES FRAISER! Fuck am i excited for monday!!!

No show on Monday

No worries. Ant has HIS show and I hear it's free.

wawawwawawa what!?

They said it on friday's show

Nice to see Ant telling the truth. Almost every time i listen to a segment of O & A on YouTube. Opie would always say "My career continues after this" or "I'm not signing in October". Opie's career would die if he doesn't sign or gets fired.

the cunt said "i still don't need to do this shit" on Friday for fucks sake.

Opie just got torched

This is Vincent in Collateral delivering a sternum double tap and fade away head shot. This is some precise critical damage.

Also known as the Mozambique drill.

Didn't know it had a name, I wanna learn how to do that. Tom Cruise might be a douche but he plays a damn good bad guy. Jamie Foxx is an AWFUL bad or good guy or actor for that matter.

Is that my briefcase?

We are seeing nearly twenty years of pent up anger being released and it is glorious.

Well yeah!!! That gold digger cunt wife needed a 7 million dollar apartment!

Poor Tits. He is stuck with Bams sloppy seconds, and Anthony is hopefully going to call Tits out as the fraud he is.

Fuck you Opie!!!!!!

so great.

Well, Monday is going to be pretty epic


Meanwhile Opie is retweeting Easter eggs...wah happun??

Negotiating a raise after his partner was fired was the worst thing the cunt did.


2015-04-05 01:59:09 UTC

The biggest raise @OpieRadio got during the Sirius/XM tenure was after I was fired.

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In the fight of Opie vs Anthony, which one is punching up & which one is punching down? I need to know so I scientifically know what's funny

Opie is trying to rope-a-dope, but he's no Ali. He's Leon Spinks.


Interesting argument (not saying I agree). Comment, reddit?

He's wrong jimmy has to do twice the work now.

Fight harder for Ant or leave.. not difficult. He said Friday he doesn't need to do the show, he's just a low cunt.

So did they all take pay cuts when Jimmy was brought on, since the "shares" were smaller?


2015-04-05 02:00 UTC

@AnthonyCumia @OpieRadio Why wouldnt he? He had to carry your share after you got fired.

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Explains why he upgraded his apartment.


Some of these tweets are more enraging than if they actually came from Opie

And the biggest pay cut @AnthonyCumia got was when he got fired.

Not sure why this was downvoted, it's true at first but now it seems he's better off.


2015-04-05 02:00 UTC

@AnthonyCumia @OpieRadio Why wouldnt he? He had to carry your share after you got fired.

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He's wrong jimmy has to do twice the work now.

No show on Monday

So did they all take pay cuts when Jimmy was brought on, since the "shares" were smaller?

Fight harder for Ant or leave.. not difficult. He said Friday he doesn't need to do the show, he's just a low cunt.