#TeamAnt ?

22  2015-04-04 by StopApologizingUSA

You know Opie will do everything he can to not address what Ant said on reddit. However, Jimmy probably won't stand for total silence so Opie will likely resort to saying Ant's lying. So should a #TeamAnt form? If it goes "viral" The Opster can't ignore it



In Opie's mind, he's the coolest guy in the room. He won't bring it up at the start of his Monday show, he'll..."play it cool" and bring it up either midway or toward the end of the show as kind of an afterthought, like he can't be bothered with the online nonsense of his former partner, but since his adoring fans who think he's the coolest guy to walk the earth are waiting with baited breath to hear his response, he will grace them with his opinion on the subject...which immediately turn into him being the whiny, self-absorbed douche bag we all know him to be.

Opie won't bring it up at all. Opie only talks about this when he is cornered into it, i.e. Stuttering John and Larry King asking him point blank or Fez bashing him on Ron & Fez. The fact is, Anthony posted something on Reddit that at most a few thousand people (99% of whom already hate Opie) will read. Opie bringing it up only brings attention to how much people hate him. Monday's show will be business as usual, "Florentine, where are you on artificial house plants?"

Upvoted just for last line.

No problem with artificial house plants if you're getting blown or it's for your kid.

He keeps going to the "I haven't even heard about it" well, as if that isn't totally unacceptable for a media professional with 20 years experience to do.

Why not make it #TeamAnth? Go all in with the faggotry.

Meh, now I'm just in it for #WatchItBurn.

Opie isn't doing a show on Monday. Ant has the next live show Monday @ 4. Don't miss it! Anthonycumia.com


Jimmy won't mention it at all unless Oqie actually says something like Ant's lying. He wants to stay as neutral as possible and not make anyone upset. If Oqie attacks Ant directly he'll be forced to defend Ant because of fan reaction.

Won't matter anyway because Oqie will never be that aggressive towards Ant. That is a war he doesn't want. He'll find a way to backtrack, he's good at that.


you should #theToddShow opie, just relentless highjacking of his shitty tag, posting gore and awful shit. just spam pictures of dead kids

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