Ant and Ron would be great, but awkward. They need a punching bag co-host.

3  2015-04-04 by SkippinTurtles

ESD would fit the bill perfectly.



Rat may devolve into a poor mans Erock

Well then, he better get eating.

If KtC could talk him into losing his virginity on the air, that would up his street cred tremendously.

I'm sure Fez would help him out.

So you're saying right now he is erock? Or is he some higher form of creature, a creature somehow beyond erock?

And let's say he does devolve, why would he skip a rich/middle class erock?

There are a few stops before skid-row erock I should think.

While that would be optimal, were not dealing with pussy boy here - they don't mind attacking each other and keeping it funny.


Is it weird that Ron and Opie are really good together?

They're only good together in the sense that Ron is good whoever he's with.

And correct

They should make everyone happy and switch it all up...let Jimmy go to Anthony and have Ron and Opie do a show?

That could really work, but Opie might be too arrogant to let Ron do his thing?

Yeah, they respect each other too much and are a lot alike. So, even tho I want it to happen, I can't picture it.

I'm sure Fez would help him out.

That could really work, but Opie might be too arrogant to let Ron do his thing?