Ant just took Oqies big announcement and shit all over it, as he should have

83  2015-04-04 by astaticpunk


Things are getting nasty.


everyone get out your cell phones and start filming vertically!

and let's all start stomping on opie once he goes down

heem sleepy

That's not how you say it!

day dream to a date about 2 weeks from today....

Opie - Ugh, oh god, as you all know Sam is leaving for fucking Andy Cohens new channel and that leaves us in another bad spot, just as me and Jimmy were starting to figure things out. Things were really going good and starting to get better and dumb Sam had to go fuck everything up. I dont know why this is happening and i wish i could have stopped it and believe me when i say I TUHHHRIED TOOOO. We need Sam over here and hes going to be missed. thats not to say we dont wish him the best on his new gig. Jimmy, are you ready for this? Are you ready to hear who our new producer is going to be?

Jimmy - Huh? what? oh sorry, i was thinking about Andy Cohen. I hope our producer is a girl with nice feet. Nice pale feet. Has Andy Cohen been in here before?

Sherrod - Pale feet? whats the matter, you dont like a black pair of feet? whats wrong with black feet?

Jimmy - well acutall-

Opie - No, i dont think so, which is weird. He should have at this point. Andy Cohen DEFINITELY should have been on our show before. I take a peek at those Housewives shows when i get a minute and i have to say, call me a homo - Sam, while youre still here, is there a gig for me at the Andy Cohens station when i get fired for saying homo? :sniff: - Hes the guy who does all those Bravo shows like the housewives and the after shows. It kills me to say this but hes actually a ruhhhhealllly good interviewer. Ive studied him and after figuring out his sthick I can appreciate the way he gets these broads to go after each other, even if i dont really like the show. Sammys going to get along very well over there.

Jim - Show me a picture of him? Oh..oh yeah...i know him. I did this thing once and he was there. He looks like he has bad breath, like i could see someone we know talking to him and just the way they reacted made me think he must have like Bravo TV bad breath.

Opie - But our new producer!

Jimmy - Oh god, is it Lady Di? I think ill pull a David Carradine if you replace Sam with Diana.

Opie - Close, and honestly i was debating bringing her on board because that would have been so awwwwkward but youre on the right track. You know our new producer and here he is...

::door opens:

Dennis Falcone - Hey everybody! They say good things come to those who wait and i guess i just had to wait. Ive got some big ideas for this channel and its going to start immediately.

Opie - Denny, how the FUCK did you get this job? I think you shoved your peanut head up someones ass in the private showers to work this out.

Dennis Falcone - What do you mean? You hired me Opie. Youre my boss now, boss.

Opie - uhhhh...uhhh uh.. I DIDN'T HIRE YOU. ..way to go with the fucking bit Denny

Sherrod - Of course hes white, not like theres ever been a black radio producer.

This feels too real.


Throw a burp in there somewhere from Opie and this could be exactly what goes down.

Perfect lines for Sherrod. WTF is his deal?

Haha this is hilarious. Talk about stealing someone's thunder. Raining on his parade, if you will. Pulling the rug out from under him. Blowing up his spot.

Blowing up his spot. That's the one I'm going with.


Wow. No subtlety there, that's an outright fuck you.

Well the kids in Denver so now daddy can shoot some missiles.

They better be careful because they may drive little Jimmy to smoke pot while in Denver and he would become an addict needing to go to 12 step program again. H=$*.*=end sarcasm.

I don't get it, whats he saying?

God Opie is such a fucking douche. Just an attention-seeking fuck. Especially for a guy in his 50's.

Anthony should have taking a steamy shit on him sooner.

Haha this is great. Totally been shat on.

Congratulations, Adrian.

Homer Simpson voice

this is going great

Pepper Hicks an Opie producer now maybe? That's the only person who possibly would take a producer position & people might give a shit about

Aren't you excited to hear Opie and Sam recreate the Pepper/Chris/Stanley/Chris Stanley/Hicks bit?


I hope not, Pepper can actually contribute from time to time and Opie will ruin that with mean, unfunny jokes like he does to every producer.

I love Hicks, but I doubt it. For one, he likely has little love lost for Tits ever since the "WHICH FAT FUCK BROKE MY CHAIR WHAAAAAA" incident. And Wednesday on R&F it was discussed that he is extremely loyal to those guys and wouldn't want to join another show. I hope that will change in time, but I can't see it happening this soon and I certainly hope it isn't for Gregg.

He would be absolutely perfect for Ants show, being a degenerate centaur gambler and an alcoholic. I fucking love the guy

damn....the passive aggressive shit just got upped a notch. love it.

"Very close to making a huge hire for the OpieRadio channel on @SIRIUSXM" #DeceitfulOpie

grabs popcorn

How corny is Opie, "I just got off the horn with some execs, big things comin down the pipe!" If it really is just a producer, why bother? He hates when ERock is so mysterious over nothing.

To steal the momentum every other show had yesterday and turn it around on himself

It's like something Colin would say, but without the irony.

I don't get it. I don't get the question, or the reference. Help me.

Thank you for your service.


2015-04-03 19:45 UTC

Just got off the phone. Very close to making a huge hire for the OpieRadio channel on @SIRIUSXM Should know within 2 weeks. Very excited.

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thank me later


ha ha its sams replacement. WHO GIVES A FUCK.

Good guy Ant! This is fucking hilarious.

Yeah, I'm going to get downvoted into oblivion for this, but O&A are both acting like catty little girls. And while I've enjoyed watching the back and forth, public bickering between two 50+ year old men is embarrassingly cringeworthy.

Upvoted, just in case the obsessives bring the fire.

I always thought it was just a radio show, myself.


2015-04-04 02:46:09 UTC

RT @JimmyWarrior1: Who do you think it is? Or who is worthy of replacing you

-Its not on air. It's a producer job. Oooops. 😳

[Mistake?] [Suggestion] [FAQ] [Code] [Issues]

Please be Black Earl. Please be Black Earl. Please be Black Earl. #Nailinthecoffinfromfebreeze

no, that would be far too entertaining.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Billy Staples has returned!!


Black earl, you're a genuinely lazy bum, you'll always make it through, hard times an N-E-DOUBLE-YOOOUUUU

East Side Dave?

Opie has never cared for Dave outside that one month he stuck stuff up his ass.

opie sold dave out on twitter when sabian fired him....and dave now has a paying job in radio closer to where he lives.

Yeah, Opie sided with management's version of events (shocking, I know) and didn't even mention Dave's side of it. Also Dave said on Twitter that Opie never paid him the 500 clams he was promised for winning the Biggest Gainer contest a few years back. Opie is a thin skinned jerk who is threatened by anyone funnier than him (which is everyone) that doesn't kiss his ass.

...on air.

Dave's not allowed in the building.

It's probably Sam, isn't he supposed to get his own full time show?

I hope I no longer have to hear Sam's voice.

if you read the tweet he says its a producer job.

Black Earl is back, baby!!

His energy and enthusiasm certainly seem appropriate for O&J.


we've all been waiting for it, we knew this would happen... we knew something happened, ol coattails wont let it out nor would the sloth... But Antonio is going to work



2015-04-05 02:49 UTC

Btw. Congrats to the Stangel brothers on their new gig as producers of the Opie Radio channel. That's the big announcement. Good luck guys.

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I hope not, Pepper can actually contribute from time to time and Opie will ruin that with mean, unfunny jokes like he does to every producer.

Aren't you excited to hear Opie and Sam recreate the Pepper/Chris/Stanley/Chris Stanley/Hicks bit?


I love Hicks, but I doubt it. For one, he likely has little love lost for Tits ever since the "WHICH FAT FUCK BROKE MY CHAIR WHAAAAAA" incident. And Wednesday on R&F it was discussed that he is extremely loyal to those guys and wouldn't want to join another show. I hope that will change in time, but I can't see it happening this soon and I certainly hope it isn't for Gregg.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Billy Staples has returned!!