Bernard Kerik is a piece of shit

22  2015-04-02 by okconsumer

Loved the Bernard Kerik ballwashing this morning, Opie & Jim are big supporters of the boys in blue! Glad all it takes is to say you're a fan of the show in order to get a softball interview.


He hasn't learned anything about the world since 9/11. He's just another blustery right wing cunt. Sorry, Ant. You get a pass because you're funny.

The most irritating thing about people who are self proclaimed "liberals" or who position themselves against some imaginary group that doesn't truly exist called "THE RIGHT" is that they think they are so enlightened and intelligent and everything they say is so OBVIOUSLY correct, and the other guys are so OBVIOUSLY wrong.

Kill yourself.

Why don't you enlighten me on how wrong I am?

Edit: I said nothing you could disagree with.

If you really wanna know my thoughts about the middle east, then I'll say, they're pieces of shit. I don't think the U.S. belongs there other than for oil. Iraq happens to have a city that is full of US oil companies. I forget the name but it was threatened by ISIS, not to shortly before we started helping Iran beat back ISIS. It's the reason why Obama is now trying to lift sanctions on Iran to develop nuclear tech.

that said, I think Obama is a right winger. He's forcing people/companies to buy health insurance, he's droning weddings of supposed terrorists, he's propping up the U.S. oil companies in Iraq with the help of Iran. Climate change isn't being taken seriously by anyone.

What do you right wing emperialists want? The world? It can happen but its gonna be hard, and i suggest people like you who want it should fight for it, just like this elderly fuck who cheated on his taxes. If he was ever held to it, he'd never go fight. That's a job for the dumb and young. Cut their lives short so he can live an extra 10.

How come all obama's negative attributes seem to be passed of right wing by liberals? Maybe if every president does it, it's not necessarily a right or left thing and maybe it's just what shitty politicians do. Or maybe liberals are just to busy trying to sweep shit under the rug in an attempt to get another dog shit president elected, warren 2016! Amiright?

In what way are you right? Simply because you are an enlightened member of the 'left'?

You didn't even make a single actual point to begin with.

You didn't even make a single actual point to begin with

And you reacted to a non-point like a pit bull. Nice work Mr. Even Keel

I reacted to the kind of sheep-cuck who takes part in every scheduled Jon Steward Daily Show applause break in his own home when ever the inherently stupid Right is brought up.

I honestly think I get where you're coming from and it gets easy to react to this kind of political shit. Everybody has a very specific idea of what's important. I just thought the reactions were funny. Good ole fashioned flame wars can be very entertaining

I'm too drunk for this debate. I need a clearer head or a clearer world.

Fuck it! Nuke ISRAEL!

He lost me at 'Kill them all.' Even if that's your prerogative and you truly believe in that option, you're a fucking idiot for telling people that.

Bomb the entire Middle East and make it a parking lot. Am I right, guys?

I wonder what Politically Incorrect Regular Joe thinks about this.

"Ge'head, nuke the sandniggers, what do I care? In for a penny, in for a pound, that's what I always say. Spend all day schlepping back and forth from 9 to 5, you don't hear me complaining, leave that to the egghead kikes in congress. Alls I need is my container of coffee and Michael Brown 6 feet in the ground and I'm happy."


You know what they should do...

He won me with that

Inshallah Brother

The snack bar is through that door and to left. Unlimited refills.

what'd he say good sir? didn't hear the interview.

He was asked who he liked more, Spuds Buckley, The Opester, Opie, or Gregg Hughes.

ok thanks sounds about right

when has o&a or o&j ever had good interviews?

I agree with these two guys.

Everyone knows if you just let the Arabs come here to the states, give them welfare, section 8 housing and a free college education they will just lose all interest in that Jihad foolishness and eventually become good citizens.

Who cares if a few bad eggs sneak in and plot bad stuff. That's what the cover of Rolling Stone is for. Right guys?

I work as a loser oops i mean pizza delivery driver for a Lebanese guy. He is super nice and giving. The thing i do notice though is how much distain he has for Western Culture and Christians and Jews etc....according to his logic the world is against Islam and we are all trying to get him......this is after 20 years of owning a successful pizza shop in a beach suburb in a very low crime area.....thats what scares me...despite all he has he will always take Islams side over anything including making excuses for ISIS.

even the ones who dont show their true colors as your boss still make excuses for horrible terror attacks. patrice had a great bit on this where he explains they all condem the attacks but always blame the west for "forcing" the attackers to commit them

Yeh you are right...there is this controversial rugby player/boxer called Anthony Mundine who is Aboriginal and Muslim said America deserved it and was their fault very shortly after the attacks. What makes it worse is that if you point this out you are a racist and a social outcast....i guess shit will hit a boiling point soon enough

The interesting thing about Islam is that it transcends borders. Your anglo non arab neighbors might be muslims and i suggest you keep an eye on em. If they're plotting anything, they might be dressed in regular clothes. Don't let that fool you though, they're secret jihadists. Go to their window and make sure they aren't building any of those pressure cooker bombs.

I'm glad Sherrod came in and called them out for licking Kerik's balls. here's the clip.That prick Kerik said he's against profiling and making an example of people on tax problems but he then turned around and said that profiling for stop and frisk was necessary and let the cops do their jobs. I love Vos stepping in and arguing like a dummy. "you like ishrael? i'm on your side." Vos is funny but he isn't smart.

Kerik also said they can find a reason to arrest anyone if they want but again, the stop and frisk is exempt. I understand that it probably helps, it probably works, but call it what it is. They want to break people's constitutional rights in order to make it easier for cops to find guns and drugs on mostly minorities.

I gotta say I do agree with Kerik's stance on having a felony ruin a person's life because they had cocaine on them. It's also ridiculous that they can get people to plea and never reach a trial because the vast majority of people can't afford to defend themselves. It really is counter to the mission statement of the Judicial process. Prosecutors only trying to convict which makes them withhold evidence and do other shady things instead of trying to find out the truth.

People are so polarized about the cops. They either do no wrong or they are evil racists. Opester thinks they are all heroes who do no wrong. He's sort of like a kid in elementary who thinks all the cops are the good guys who are out there catching the bad guys all day. Yo ope, this aint cops and robbers! Thank you for your service.

...but...first responders, freedom, or something

Al Sharpton would get a ballwashing if he came onto the show. That's just how these guys are. Gotta save the hard hitting questions for George Wendt.

piece a garbage


da cops r so bad lol

-14 year old redditor

The interesting thing about Islam is that it transcends borders. Your anglo non arab neighbors might be muslims and i suggest you keep an eye on em. If they're plotting anything, they might be dressed in regular clothes. Don't let that fool you though, they're secret jihadists. Go to their window and make sure they aren't building any of those pressure cooker bombs.

I work as a loser oops i mean pizza delivery driver for a Lebanese guy. He is super nice and giving. The thing i do notice though is how much distain he has for Western Culture and Christians and Jews etc....according to his logic the world is against Islam and we are all trying to get him......this is after 20 years of owning a successful pizza shop in a beach suburb in a very low crime area.....thats what scares me...despite all he has he will always take Islams side over anything including making excuses for ISIS.