Jims wrong. Society and SJW's aren't the problem. Its companies folding to pressure and sacking talent when some c*** has a problem. Companies Jim. SXM

0  2015-04-02 by Lilcumia

Guess that would mean pointing the finger at management.


Well if "some c***" didn't have that problem in the first place....

Its no ones right to tell people what they have a problem with. Let them be pissed.

Companies aren't part of society?

You're right, Lil Cumia. The fags in this and the other sub love to cry about sjws, though. They only have power because they are given power. It's similar to the "mexicans taking our jobs" bullshit. No one blames the companies that hire them.

Did it ever occur to you that whoever calls the shots at sirius WAS the "cunt with a problem"?

It's just as likely they got pissed off and shitcanned him out of personal disgust as it is they got frightened for the company's image. I'm sure you'll deny even the possibility as I can tell you wouldn't like that version as much.

Either way this is a stupid and pointless thread. Comparing Trevor Noah's and Ant's tweets couldn't be further off base. One was clearly joking and one was clearly not.