Opie actually said something pretty insightful / amusing today. [link in comments]

22  2015-04-01 by Acatalepsia



Saw this one coming.


This may be the exact point you're making, but I actually love that Opie saying one insightful or amusing thing on his 3 hour radio show (which he's been doing since he was 18) was such an obvious april fools joke.

That's what opie said as bam walked by

YoU arE steEpeD in foLley. AHhpRil FaaHls

tss what did he say! tss theres no FuKkin link you stupid cocksucka

I've enjoyed the show bashing more than the actual show for almost a year now. At this point, I also enjoy the sub's fan fiction more than the show.

Ohhhh Edgar. You're a day early. You got us. You got us good.


This may be the exact point you're making, but I actually love that Opie saying one insightful or amusing thing on his 3 hour radio show (which he's been doing since he was 18) was such an obvious april fools joke.

That's what opie said as bam walked by