Legion of Skanks LIVE at 10PM with guest Ari Shaffir

16  2015-03-31 by [deleted]


Do you guys think they'll mention the 'Damienne Merlina' situation?

Mention? Perhaps more than that

She was very badly raped you see.

I feel like that's been overshadowed already by Trevor Noah's "Jewish girls don't give head" tweets. The SWJ crowd moves fast!

I have to disagree with him on that one. You can watch Ryan Gosling explain why the Jewish people love oral sex here.

That's a great movie!

I've dated two jews, neither one of them would give me head. (They were both fuckin gorgeous too, and had great lips.) What a deprived soul I am. Most stereotypes are generally true.


My comment was more in the vein of jest, I'm sure they'll address it.

I hope they have some unpleasant things to say about that lady. I will probably laugh if they call her fat or make fun of her disability.

Cheap plug: /r/Legionofskanks

The only thing I really listen to now is Legion of Skanks, plenty of ball busting/old school O&A humor. I highly encourage anyone who hasn't check the show out yet to give it a listen.

Is that Bobo in the back behind Jay?

Yeah it's him


Lol what does his shirt say? "Beers Babes & Baseball"?

Maybe I am just getting to old but from what I gather from this sub on this subject is that there is some blood in the water so attack attack.

Since when did just being mean for the sake of being mean automatically become deemed us funny. I feel kinda shifty he decides to rip on this one armed fat chick for no reason. Is there a back story? Was she a cunt to him once? I need some logic behind this. I refuse to believe it's as simple as let's point and laugh and the fat one armed girl. Is that all this "comedy" boils down?

Fuck I miss Patrice. Smart ass mother fucker. Patrice is yoda. I want to know his thoughts on all of this.

Since when did just being mean for the sake of being mean automatically become deemed us funny.

I refuse to believe it's as simple as let's point and laugh and the fat one armed girl. Is that all this "comedy" boils down?

I completely see where you're coming from. But I think the main point that needs to be made is not one in defense of Ari or his joke. It's not about whether or not his joke was funny. It's about whether or not the backlash for a bad joke is at all reasonable, and how damaging responses like this are for comedy in general and the ability for anyone to speak freely these days.

My biggest issue with the whole thing is the way she staged her reaction video. The fact that she opens by talking about her sister being kidnapped and raped, and her unfortunate situation just reeks of someone saying and exploiting everything they can to appear victimized.

But yeah I actually do think that Ari's joke that started this whole thing feels out of place, shoe-horned in, and worst of all not at all funny. I have trouble seeing the appeal of Ari Shaffir in general.

But that's irrelevant to me. I don't particularly like him, but it's fucking disgusting just how easily this dumb shit gets picked up by media outlets as something that everyone should be "outraged" by. Just look at the shit that's in the news right now - Jamie Foxx and Trevor Noah are big news stories for saying relatively tame shit (in Noah's case, fucking ages ago). People are trying to destroy comedy because every once in awhile a comedian they would've never listened to in the first place says something they don't care for. I didn't laugh at Ari's unfunny joke, but I'm a little sickened by the attempt to turn it into something he should be chastised for. The fact that the subject was blatantly avoided on his LoS appearance tonight indicates that he may have already been silenced by Comedy Central for this bullshit.

As Patrice once said, "Funny jokes and unfunny jokes come out of the same birth". The story is literally just this: "Ari made a mean joke and it wasn't that funny".

"It's about whether or not the backlash for a bad joke is at all reasonable, and how damaging responses like this are for comedy in general and the ability for anyone to speak freely these days"

I agree with you. We do need to protect the ability to try to make a joke because as patrice said - they come from the same place. BUT this is where I have a funny feeling in my gut that Ari wasn't going for a joke and WAS essentially trying to be mean ( as maybe the joke?) it was all in his delivery and non point tie-in at the end of it all. Just being mean for the sake of being mean can't exist in a vacuum and be funny (IMO) - I need some logic (a back story to her being a cunt to him or something) if you are going to tear someone apart then give me a reason to be on your side, to give the comments gravity. Without that they hang out there in space with nothing attached to it. it does not feel like it is coming from the same place as the birth of a joke about rape as Patrice would say.

The feelings I am getting from the board are people are complaining about her childish reaction to the comments. and i would agree, that was childish - but on the other side of the coin Ari's comments were pretty mean and childish. So you get a childish reaction to a childish comment. As i said before - he wasn't pontificating in a really intellectual way and broke her bits down and exposed her as a hack, he talked about her "fat smell" how am I supposed to give him all of this intellectual license and bash her for being a child? when they are both acting in accordance with each other.

It just feels fucking weird he went after the wounded gazzel at the watering hole. The one armed, very overweight, completely un-known lesbian comedian - who as we know of for now, had little interaction with him. I dunno it just feels fucking lame and lacking testicles. Easy fucking target dude.

They are both being "baby-boys" as Yimmy would say.


What the fuck, the one guy made a one arm joke but they said they're "not doing that"...

Fuck them all if they don't talk about it.

They didn't even acknowledge it directly, Big Jay seemed kinda pissed at the guy who made the joke, he said they're not doing that, and moved on. I doubt they'll talk about it.

Can you imagine what would happen if LoS were to take turns roundly thrashing this woman for her missing arm, her weight, her looks, etc.? Jezebel, Gawker, etc. would pick it up right away and it wouldn't be good. Pissing off SJWs is all well and good, but that would also mean Big Jay would have to kiss any sort of mainstream success goodbye, and he clearly doesn't want to do that.

They don't have to bash her, just at least talk about it. Look she's obviously got issues, I'm not saying add fuel to the fire (although I would prefer that), but they didn't even address it. Even if they ended up defending her I wouldn't mind, believe it or not I can see why people would think he's shitty for bringing up this one armed monster, out of the blue, just to be mean to her on national tv lol. But to sit there and pretend a massive video with 60,000+ views didn't happen is just cowardly. Even if he had said, 'look guys I don't feel comfortable talking about it', that would have been better than this.

fuckin nice

why do they call it "Legion of Skanks"?

"Probably because it sounds scary." Imgur

No no. Do it ducimo. Do it very slowly.

Now lie down on the bed, and close your eyes.

Well, in the perfect venue to do discuss it, they completely ignored Ari's situation with that one-armed fatso, and instead opened gifts for a half hour that was devoid of any humor or interesting dialogue.

As someone who hasn't really gotten into LoS at all but hears great things about it here, this was pretty damn boring to me. The first hour was OK though.


Question. Will Luis Gomez chime in every 3 seconds with some unfunny line that totally derails the conversation? Because that seems to be his only role on the show

Is this radio legend Mike Calta by any chance?

Ha I will admit that segment was funny but I've been listening to LOS a lot lately and every time without fail just as Dave or jay or a guest gets to a story I really am interested in Luis just derails the conversation with some bullshit but while he is telling one of his inane stories he will let no one stop it

i thought the same thing, i used to complain about him all the time, i thought he was loud and annoying and ruined YKWD, but he turned me and now i a gomite for life.

Jay and Dave doing the "real ass dude" voice might be my favorite thing fucking ever.

You are just saying that cause he gave you a shoutout during the cumia compound podcast

Now lie down on the bed, and close your eyes.