Hey, dummies, most of Opie's "lies" on Twitter that are noted here are just trolling attempts

0  2015-03-31 by NickCarpinelli

Like the Stern tweet from yesterday, why do people take that as Opie lying when it's clearly just him trying to troll people?

You can say that it's unfunny (and you'd be right!!) but it's not loy-ing. We have so much to hate Opie for, why fabricate?


I don't think he's clever enough to troll.

Source: I've heard him speak.

yuck, grown men "trolling" is worse.

I agree.

and yet you all try to do it.

It's like when Grandma tries to make a joke. 99.9999% of the time she's serious, so you take it at face value.

Speaking of grandmas and face value, Opie has the face value of a grandma. He looks like a 90 year old Irish lady.


if you were to ask him, i bet you opie couldn't actually define what trolling is.

He's the new Colin Quinn of Twitter.