Baby boy Derosa is doing a "Bullying" podcast, what a little bitch

32  2015-03-31 by GRIZx


I hope he talks about his own bullying of Holocuast victims. Simply shameful.

I watched him yank the pearls from the neck of an Auschwitz survivor and say they were "reparations." He never explained what he meant.

He's doing it again? I hope Ari smashes him for this.

Ari and Joe are/were friends, it looks like Derosa gets off on burning bridges. That faggot Andy Kindler must have brainwashed Hollywood Derosa.

Please tell me Joe is mad at Ari on his podcast about the 1 armed comic.

How can you be a comic and not be bully. Your making fun of stuff.

WHOA!!! The 'Hi Opie' guy tweeted at DeRosa and said 'the PC police are the real bullies.'

That guy is either the greatest troll ever or a legit psychotic

Pretty sure he's a troll, but you have to be legit psychotic to be that dedicated..

Hi Opie guy is the Jag Thindh of O&A. Fucking mystery

This guy is such a cunt. He is shivering at the thought of someone online fucking up his AMC gig, so catch words like "Bullying" are thrown out there ahead of any possible controversy.

I don't watch spin-offs, does he even have lines? I know he'll never get a career in Hollywood being the shoulders ugly snail he is, but I kinda would rather he also not even be allowed to talk as an extra.

He's fine on the show and gets lines - not many, he's been in two episodes for maybe a minute or two apiece. And you need to make an exception to your "I don't watch spinoffs" rule - Better Call Saul is a fucking amazing show.

I've heard, but i doubt I'll be able to stop my "this isnt as good ast breaking bad!" cunty attitude

It's a different kind of show, but it's arguably as good as breaking bad. I wouldn't argue that, but to be fair there probably won't ever be another TV drama that's as good as breaking bad.

derosa is a cunt end off

and punt

Oh dear, what will his black friends think?

He mentions being the centre piece on a defaming website. Could be a shout out, guys?

He hasn't been on in a while if he thinks he is still the centerpiece.

Wow...the unintentional comedy in Joe's "Bullying" podcast is fascinating.

He's sitting alone in his apartment whining into a microphone about how 'mean' things he does AREN'T bullying. However, all the response (negative Amazon reviews, etc, etc...) he got from his attacks on Ant ARE bullying. He does not point out that bashing Ant on JRE and Twitter would fit his agreed definition of bullying.

He is practically begging for new negative Amazon reviews, which he's now now trying to sell as a positive for him. Either he's attempting reverse psychology or he's so desperate that he'll take negative attention versus no attention at all.

DeRosa actually compares his "situation" to a 12-year old girl being harassed enough by her classmates that she committed suicide. He's not kidding. He's completely serious. This man somehow makes his living as a comedian.

Thanks for the uploads Jason.

Joe's logic is if its repeated its bullying or more than one person but its not if its about someones material. This logic will change throughout the podcast. Not once did he suggest online bullying isn't real and you can just turn off your computer. Though we all the importance he gives to twitter.

It does sound like he is aware of this sub. Haha

This logic will change throughout the podcast.

DeRosa never logically comes to any conclusion. He just assumes that he's the victim in any scenario and the first thought he can come up with to defend himself with just spills out of his mouth. He has zero self-awareness, and absolutely no ability to take a step back and analyze the situation he's in.

I could actually find entertainment in listening to a viewpoint that I 100% disagree with, but everything DeRosa has said about his beef with Ant either on Rogan's podcast, TACS, or twitter, is so far removed from any logical analysis that it's impossible not to view it as anything other than a hypersensitive baby who will never even consider that he might not just be an unfortunate victim.

Will he bring up how be bullied Anthony and piled on top of him when he was down?

The dude was already fired, but the bully Joey Polesmoker piled on his corpse with no reproach.

Andy Kindler still didn't notice him.

Guys, he has to do this. What would his one-armed obese lesbian friends say?


If anyone is willing to risk ear cancer, please listen and post any relevant information.

So the guy who was "all in" for jocktober, joined in on Bobo crap, sam bashing and attempted to be a dick to Troy is now jumping on the SJW bandwagen? Not sure which is worse his "people are mean booh fucking hoo" turn or Amy Schumer's

Amy Schumer did that? What you talkin about?

some critic said something about her body in that movie that took the world by storm, trainwreck


She went full "people are MEAN on the internet Q_Q" SJW twitterati, did a whole thing about how people need to be nice with a touch of the body image crap, it was on the today show and praised by chick chat TV, she suddenly became the feminist comedian.

Eh, I'd have to hear it. That's not necessarily bad.

I hope Mike ends up killing this faggot's character on Better Call Saul. Would love to see Mike beat him over the head with a hammer.

"I realise I'm a comic so I might have a thicker skin." Really Joe?

thick as in meaty

He said livelihood. "Oh theres the word" another shout out.

Never fails; I will always laugh at that word.

He's now crying about his twitter hate. Never brings up the fact people can turn off their computer. You forget he's a comedian. Not a joke to be had.

You forget he's a comedian. Not a joke to be had.

This was the case with any O&A appearance he ever had.

Oh god. He's reiterating the same point over and over. And that is the literal definition of bullying from wikipedia. Still not a joke to be made.

Someone should ask him about the old woman who pointed at him and said THE WHITE ANGEL and then he stabbed her right in the street and just ran off.

Mentions Ant. Says there is free speech but need to deal woth consequences. Does a bill burr voice. Plugs Derosa hate T-shirts. No mention of Ari though.

I wish he'd stop bullying comedy.

The mental image of sad, shoulderless Joe sitting alone in his apartment, all disheveled and crying about bullies, after pushing away all of his comedy friends, is the most depressing image.

DeRosa was probably the kid that the all the kids who were bullied looked at and said "at least were not that guy".

5 mins in - he's asking for more lower ratings on his reviews. Its pretty douchey so far. Shouts out wikipedia for keeping his page alive.

He's trying reverse psychology but it doesn't matter, we will keep at him regardless.

How far in does he mention Ant?

Last 10 minutes.

He talks too close to the mic... horrible.

...and who listens to this shite?

Wouldn't the Joe DeRosa hate be comedy "punching up?" I don't think anyone here has been on AMC. I wish he would stop bullying this sub.

Hollywood Joey. Trying to get more TV work.

I hope he chokes on his own cum. He's a fucking turncoat faggot.

"All Things Comedy"

Things Joe DeRosa has no knowledge of for 1000, Alex.

Is this real? What the fuck is this guy DOING??

Is he pandering to SJWs in a plight to gain fans?



I think we could really exploit that hashtag.

I still find DeRosa to be a funny dude.

How dare you. these derosa bashing threads are my favorite! And I am confident I speak for EVERYONE!

Still? He was always just a punching bag. I used to actually feel bad for him when all those guys would pile on. He was never funny though. I would have somewhat supported his shit because O and A vouched for him but now FUCK That weaselly cunt.

So you needed O+A to let you know a comedian was ok to check out?

How adorable.

Never fails; I will always laugh at that word.