What if Opie and Troy Quann did a 6 Hour Show Together?

66  2015-03-31 by FunkyTreasure

They could call it "Quan-Titty Over Quality"


Then he can act as a judge in a show where Eric and Sam debate a topic.

They could call it "Between E-Rock and a Half-Race."

FAWK yeah.

God damn that is a good one. This is what this sub needs. Less whining and more word play yumour.

3:10 to Wordplay Yuma

Tsss eeeyy, what's a matta yuma?

Yuma? I hardly know ya.

Frat stories and Tucker Max chick fuck stories.

Two old fucks trying to act like twenty-somethings.

I hope Troy would get enraged enough to push Opie over the cliff.

they would talk about his butt shirts

I could imagine a lot of dudes, brahs and bruthamans for 6 hours

It would be nothing but Troy Quan doing extreme stuff and Opie just agreeing saying more more.

Um, I don't think they would get much radio done. Within the first 5 Minutes of the Show, they would both be jerking each other off under the desk and then the final 5 Hours & 55 Minutes would just be awkward silence while they each looked down at their shoes the rest of the time.

Fantastic sir.

it would be something like this..


we would not be howling.

Throw in Florentine and every chick in existence has gotten it in the PUSSSSSS.



Why does Sam look like the germanwings copilot

Remove Corporate Cunt and have Ant, Jim, Sam and E-Rock. Sirius/XM can save itself that way.

Who the fuck isn't upvoting this shit????