TACS needs a co-host soon

35  2015-03-31 by brmlb

TACS desparately needs a co-host. I can't take Ant's constant race-talk, gun-talk, Obama-talk, youtube clip comments, without someone offering a counter argument. I find myself righting the fast forward swipe every time race-talk comes up, because you know what he's going to say at this point. They're savage animals, we know, we get it.

The problem isn't that Ant is right wing, it's that what he says is always predictable. It's no different than what Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh offer. If you don't have someone like a Jim Norton who can take what you say and make you look at it differently, it's not interesting to listen to at all. Isn't that what everyone loved about Patrice? There was always a side to the argument you didn't think about until Patrice said it. Not with Ant. You almost always know what his thoughts are before he even finishes.

I've listened to every single Opie & Jim, Hoo-hoo show, Ron and Fez, and Artie Lange podcast over the last 2 weeks - none of those shows only have 1 guy talking and commentating, and over the last 2 weeks they've all been better. No one is good enough to do it all on his own, not Bennington, not Stern, not Cumia.


Remember that 2-weeks anthony said he was bored of race talk & wasn't going to talk about that issue as much anymore?

Surprise surprise, an obsessive old man couldn't keep away from his obsession.


nogs just can't handle it

The show has become incredibly stale, particularly when it's Ant by himself. If it's not a full time cohost then he should just try to get someone funny or engaging in to do the show with him everyday.

Also stop it with the callers, there is a reason Jim and Ant didn't take them at SXM 99% of them are terrible and just a time fill. Sure the Dr. Steve type information calls make sense when you need someone to clarify something you've been discussing but otherwise just stop it. The only show/host that can make multiple callers per show work is Ron.

2 weeks ago people were raving about how good the show is. Last week he talked about opie and this sub had a collective orgasm. I personally look forward to watching it every day and the interaction with the fans and contests are fun if you weed through the shit. Hes got legion of skanks coming to the network, opening a studio in the city where he'll always have a guest. He's good by himself, great with others. In the end its his call. In other words, back off This aint your show.

I think people are more excited over what the show will have to offer in the near future. He is moving a studio to manhattan, has hinted about getting Ari as a cohost, norton said he will be on a lot, he's hinted at signing the legion of skanks...Currently, his show is good when he has funny guests to bounce ideas off of and to prevent him from gun and nigger spiraling out. When he's solo he just starts yelling about niggers and guns way too often...oddly, ironically reminiscent of every video on world star hip hop that he mocks.

Is he really good by himself. When there were two other people in the room he had a hard enough time controlling his anger, his hatred towards liberals, blacks, Obama, and how everyone was going to take his fucking guns away. With no one there, he has no one to stop him, if he wants to go for two hours on a rant, he will.

You can weed through the shit on either show, still means there is shit on both shows.

Maybe you're just a liberal fag who isn't smart enough to realize that the same strong intelligence that makes Ant hilarious also informs his politics. Go watch bambi fucking queer

Stern still works the phones well and his regulars were once on the level of Ronnie's. As shitty as his show is now, he can and does handle multiple callers.

I always check to see if he has a guest, otherwise I just skip it and delete the episode from my phone.

What's a thread from September 2014 doing on the "New" page?

I dropped my subscription during all the Ferguson bullshit. I was just tired of hearing about it.

Everything he said during Ferguson was obvious though and needed to be said. What did you do? Go out and loot?

Agreed. It's why I eventually canceled my subscription to Ant's show and haven't listened since, aside from two shows that I torrented.

We were all so excited for Ant but the honeymoon phase is over. Far over. His show kinda stinks.

What's a co-host going to do? Neither Opie or Jim could stop his daily race talk on the old show. Now that he's completely in charge, do you actually think he would bring someone on board that would challenge his views? He can't keep his composure when callers disagree with him.

I'm not a TACS subscriber, just listen to the weekly best of. During lil'Jimmy's visit Ant said he was building the NYC studio primarily so that Jim could be on more. Did I take that too literally or is there hope? If Jim was on more regularly, I'd subscribe. Or maybe I'm just a gullible zilch.

I'm sure he would be on more...but thats also relative considering he's on now like once a month.

I could see it becoming a 1x a week thing. Not saying Jim would want to because that's a lot of radio to do every day, but could he get paid to do both shows full time or would that likely violate his contract with SXM?

I don't think he would be able to get paid...but I think Jimmy genuinely likes hanging out and doing radio with Anthony.

I've dropped my sxm sub and I'm pretty close to dropping my tacs sub. The only reason I haven't is because I don't mind paying 7 bucks for a few decent shows a month. I'm also hanging in there with tacs because I see the potential of the show but it feels like it's been on the launch pad for forever ie the app, downtown studio, consistent co-hosts.

Yeah, I hear you, it's always soon and never now.

I disagree. Bennington is good enough to do it on his own, and has done it before.

That's why he needs Opie and Opie needs him. They balance out one another's worst instincts as broadcasters better than anyone else.

'Ant needs Opie' might be the stupidest thing ive ever heard

Who else is going to hit the Homer Simpson drops?

"Ant needs an Opie" might be a better statement.

Bullshit. Anthony needs a real co-host not some fucking cunt acting like a frat boy. Norton would have worked beautifully even were it just half the time.

That was the worst part of them moving to the broom closet. Ant & Jimmy would go off on some stupid topic for a hour and Opie would check out so he could read twitter and do newspaper puzzles.

Opie doesn't give a fuck enough to counter Anthony's talking points.

Wow. You are one STUPID motherfucker.

This sir, is a very well stated point. I thought we were all hate filled idiots?

He needs a comic that will make fun of him and a guest that will debate him.


Yeah, everyone knows the show would be better with a co-host. Even Ant knows. He's doing a great job carrying the show, but for two hours four days a week you really need to have another voice there.

Supposedly things are happening, so I'll give him a few months while he's figuring things out and having a lot of fun.


Torrents are your friend

He needs someone to offer a good counter argument to the race and gun talk.

Like for example, guns are evil because children get shot so there shouldn't be any guns.

Or black people are innocent perfect snowflakes and white people should let themselves be beaten to death because they have white privilege.

A host would be good and it's definitely one of the ways to elevate the show along with the studio but I don't care what Anthony does. It's one of many avenues for cheap entertainment for me. I'm in it for the long haul. Nice try with the hate tho.

Yeah, it's definitely becoming predictable...though overall the show does appear to be improving.

The race talk doesn't bother me too much, though I can relate as the gun talk gets to me and I have to skip over it. The show is centered largely just around Ant's interests. Race, guns, video games are way too much of the content.

He reached out to Dave. He should accept.

I assume you mean ESD, but the only Dave I would like to see as a cohost would be Attell.

Really? When?

At the tattoo show.

I'm honestly not a huge fan of ESD. Also, it sounds like he lives in Asbury Park which would be a bitch of a commute into NYC, let along Ant's compound on Long Island.

He already has one.

Bobo "The Boner" Kurlan can fill Opie's shoes, and if they lower the mic and use greenscreen to shrink him, Bobby Kelly and be Jimmy!

He should get someone like Sherrod.


Do you mean black, or do you mean not funny?

Black, so ant can go off but then have to deal with it

listening to sherrod on legion of skanks and he's pretty good

Does it?

At this point I'm just embarrassed for anyone who subscribes.

Anyone have any info about where one might be able to get selected TACS shows?

I know '7$/month, stupid'. I am a student in debt and I budget elsewhere.

Shaving off $7 a month is a silly way to try to get out of debt.


Here's one way to budget, don't spend money on a conservative talk show. Just torrent the shows you want, nigga.

ya i agree opie and jimmy is an embarrassing show to subscribe to siriusxm for.

He's a conservative. If that bothers you so much, then why are you watching his show? I for one feel Ant is doing a much better job keeping viewers engaged and entertained with TACS than he did with LFTC. He's only into his first year going solo so it's no wonder his show still feels awkward. Also, how is he supposed to find a co-host that won't kiss his ass all the time when he's the one signing the guys paychecks? Opie and Anthony had the relationship they did because they both were paid by a separate entity. Annoying the other guy wasn't going to potentially cost one of them their gig.

go back to the tacs subreddit

I'm I crazy in thinking that Jenny Hutt would make a good co-host? The two of them are extremely good at expressing themselves vocally and they seem to have decent chemistry together. they may even end up fucking each other.

I wouldn't call you crazy, just fucking stupid.

'Ant needs Opie' might be the stupidest thing ive ever heard

Bullshit. Anthony needs a real co-host not some fucking cunt acting like a frat boy. Norton would have worked beautifully even were it just half the time.

Wow. You are one STUPID motherfucker.

That was the worst part of them moving to the broom closet. Ant & Jimmy would go off on some stupid topic for a hour and Opie would check out so he could read twitter and do newspaper puzzles.

Opie doesn't give a fuck enough to counter Anthony's talking points.