Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2 Trailer... Is this the worst movie ever?

0  2015-03-31 by NiggaInABuick

Every joke in this trailer is Kevin James getting injured. Who would enjoy this?

BTW, Paul Blart 1 earned $183 million at the Box Office.


If ever a movie was made for Opie fans...this is it.

I hear this movie is based off of Rich Vos's act

ME: I'm all in with the Paul Blart! This movie is going to do big numbers!

they should've just kept making the king of queens

it was the only thing Kevin James wasn't completely terrible in.

That show was great.

The first one wasn't that bad tbh

Never seen it, but this isn't exactly high praise

We watched it as a goof with very low expectations and is was slightly better than those expectations.

Whatever exec gave the greenlight to make this should be publicly executed by means of rape.

Sure, it isn't going to be a cinematic masterpiece, or even a tolerable film, but the first one septupled its base budget. I'm surprised there wasn't a Paul Blart movie every 18 months since 2009. If the rubes will eat this shit up, make it.

If the rubes will eat this shit up, make it.

Fuck that. Put the rubes on a diet.

Goddamn I miss the days when Ant and Jimmy would shit talk movie trailers. One of my favorite things about the old show.

I noticed most of the cast in this movie is quite overweight. I wonder if Kevin requested that so he wouldn't look so bad?

Just recently heard a clip where Jim said he loved observe and report...

Honestly...dumb movies like this Who gives a fudge about? Who really cares that theyre making this hunk of shit? I saw the preview and i said to myself "ugh theyre making another one of these?" and havent thought of it since.

Paul Blart is a funny mofo.

I was pleasantly surprised with the first movie. Who knows what this one will bring, although I have to say the one with Will Farrell and the african american gentleman (I can't remember his name) will likely be a lot worse.

*Just watched the trailer and it doesn't look terrible. And come on, he punched an old lady. I think I'll watch it just for that scene alone.

Never seen it, but this isn't exactly high praise