When Opie had a bit of controversy Anthony smoothed it out with Opie on air. He always did stand up for Opie. Some men truly will do anything for tits. Even if they're connected to a rotten cunt.

6  2015-03-31 by spinuch


This clip is ruined by opie explaining how strange it is that Jimmy pissed in Louie's oatmeal.

Try pissing in Karen's oatmeal in an office job! You just can't do it!

Edit: he caught himself being a rich cunt right before saying he's a better person https://youtu.be/kU02xiRSn38?t=10m47s at 10:47.

Edit 2: at https://youtu.be/kU02xiRSn38?t=13m18s 13:18 opie credits reddit for the help! I remember he denied he checked it out before so there's some proof he's a liar.

The oatmeal pissing is probably one of my favorite things to happen on the show.

"Jim Norton just pissed in my oatmeal."

I remember he denied he checked it out before so there's some proof he's a liar.

Almost everything he says is proof that he's a liar. it's 100% undeniable fact that Opie is full of bullshit and that every word out of his mouth is likely either fabricated or at least largely exaggerated.