Jimmy and Ant try to talk Opie into therapy. Things get fucking uncomfortable and it's fantastic

8  2015-03-30 by mrblonde94


Great Psycho pic. Literally "PHHHAWWK YEAH!"

Here is a time stamp of a good fake story from Opie in an attempt to relate to Jimmy about rage and Ant about being a real fucking man.

You can hear him making it up on the spot, its so FUCKING EMBARRASSING.

(and above all else, REAL)

ugh... that was painful to listen to. opie is so fucking shameless with his shitty self-aggrandizing lies

edit: some doozies from the opster

1) my girlfriend told me i had stinky pants...

2) hey guys your anuses leak right? no, hahaha, like, mine leaks, so your anus leaks too right?

3) ??? TBD

i just love the rabid rabbit rabbi prediction and eventual retraction

Anthony is the one who needs therapy. He hides behind his money liquor and cheap women instead of facing real life problems like a 20 year business relationship, his heart attack and Alzheimer's head on. He is a weak soul

But he says funny things. We don't really care about these people. We just like it when they say funny things when we're driving. Opie doesn't do that, and actually steals possible funny things before they get to our ears.

It would have been nice if he went in to therapy, because then he might have gotten better. Or at least gone away. Whatever makes him less "Opie".

Ant had a heart attack? I knew he had issues with high cholesterol and BP but I didn't know about that.