White woman caller vs. Patrice Me: "hold on hold on, let her talk. fine or just talk over her"

8  2015-03-30 by LemonQuarks


I remember this part, and I think this is where I started really disliking Opie. The "let her talk" part isn't as bad because we all know Patrice can talk over a jackhammer but it's what's after that, that gets to me.

She says nigger (which is the payoff in Opie's dumbass mind), and no one really cares, then the faggot says "see, that's why you let her talk. I know what I'm doing...I know what I'm doing."

That "I know what I'm doing" wasn't him talking to Patrice. It was him trying to convince his insecure, self because he doesn't know what he's doing. He's riding the wave of Ant, and comedians, and contributes nothing because he knows he's outclassed when it comes to speaking, and entertaining the audience. Everyone is joking, and making entertaining observations on things, and he's muttering, and tripping over his inane, fragmented, thoughts. You have guys that are naturals, and don't really play by the rules, but there's the "I went to school for this, play it by the book," guy, that steers the ship. Fuck that shit. There's a reason why shows where he was absent ended up being some of the best stuff.

Now some of our favorites have passed, and Ant is gone, and the show is a fucking jocktoberfest. All that time spent with some of the best talkers, and to this day he can't even entertain, or be real with the listeners. It's either a bit, or a lie. The fucking Todd Pettengill of satellite radio, who blended in with the talent around him. Yea, you knew he was a fraud back then. You could smell it but was too distracted by the other guys. Now that the other guys have disappeared there's no one to hide behind.

"I know what I'm doing" has turned into "I'm trying to figure it all out." Should've been a fuckin call screener.

You sure do like out of place commas.

My freshman year of college I was on the basketball team with a guy from Nigeria. He got an F on a term paper because the professor said he needed to use commas on the rough draft so he went in and put commas in random spots every few sentences. He thought you just had to split up the really long sentences with a comma.

commas, tend to sneak up on you

"I know what I'm doing" said the insecure moron.

ME: I'm like a point guard, I gotta make decisions on the fly. Nice try on the hate tho.

1:11:10 for people who need the time.

Me: "let her talk goddamn. or..fine...just talk over her."

Thanks Conductor Opie. That train was barreling down the track to funny-town but you slammed on the brakes so we could hear the caller. He knows what he's doing guys.

Opie trying to regulate Patrice's ranting always irritated me. Just let him talk. I don't give a flying fuck what the other person thinks.

There was only one time i was actually glad to hear opie say hold on hold on hold on. Patrice and Colin were trying to explain a fight that they had over patrice making a joke about not being paid enough for tough crowd. Colin literally couldnt talk for 5 seconds without patrice yelling over him. This went on for like 10-15 minutes and opie and colin both had to keep saying stop and let colin finish. It really was annoying.

This is the guy who at the first sign of criticism from a caller, no matter how legitimate or constructive it is, will turn their mic down and just scream the words "fucking" and "dummy" over and over and then hang up on them.