Has Jimmy laughed like this once since Ant left?

12  2015-03-30 by Blah_83


Has anyone really laughed since Ant left?


lock this thread now

58:36 for mobile

The only times he's even come close have been on his TACS guest appearances.

Nope. But Judy Gold was in today so...hold onto your hats.

No, and neither have I.

How could he?

Say what you want about Jimmy's decision but I feel bad for him

Why? It is the consequence of his decision. While I cannot really blame him for taking the cash, it really shows that money is not everything. That is why he is treading water(even that's being nice) as far as comedy while most everyone else has rocketed right past him. He is insanely jealous of them as well. That is why he sits there on a completely humorless show, with most of his comedy getting zero response from the other host.

He never takes a risk himself, he only rides coat tails. Him and Anthony could have been pretty huge for both of them....but he who lacks a chin took the easy way out.

Who is most everyone? He's way passed most of his friends.

Bill Burr, Louis CK, Colin Quinn to name the easy ones.

Look at him.....he is stuck talking to Opie as a co-host. He is not on national shows anymore. His show with the tranny was canceled. His advice show is shit a 10 year old could do. His career is dead in the water right now.

Colin Quinn hasn't done anything worthwhile in a decade. Louie and Burr are 2. Bobby, Vos, Robinson, Papa, and even Patrice never gained as much notoriety as he did. Colin Quinn does an internet cop show that no one has heard of.

Yeah, that whole constitution thing he did was a flop, right?

Jim Nortons career is not improving. Again, he used to be on the tonight show here and there, but that is no more. He had that show with the tranny intro'ing it, that failed badly and was canceled. His material is the same drivel he has been doing for 10 years and more.

Norton does NOTHING right now that I would consider impressive. He signed with Opie, and he will not even list that show when he promotes gigs.

Yea not too many people have heard of it. Was ti good sure. Popular nope. Jim Norton has spent a decade on what was one of the most popular radio shows in the country. He has another special coming out. His material isn't the same he comes out with another special ever year it seems. He writes new material constantly. No one cares if Norton impresses you. That doesn't mean he's less popular. Your opinion means jack shit. As does mine and every other individual. Colin is great and a comic's comic as they say but he's not exactly doing well on the comedy scene.

Jimmy's vice show is as big a flop as Colin's cop show which so far's only highlight was with Jim Norton.

Yet the fact remains that ZERO people outside Opie and Anthony know Nortons name. But you knew that already.

That's not true at all. The only people I know who have seen him live or seen his specials don't listen to the show. Do you live in NY? He's well known here

Genuinely? Nope.


If you add up the total amount of his polite chuckles over the last year, it is almost the same amount of time

9+ months of that we could have been having. Even when he went on TACS, it seemed like Ant was too focused. I hope if Jim can come in more often some of that everyday atmosphere will come back.

Fuck that was quick. Jimmy is right, no one is able to find the funny quicker than that guy.

I know a certain someone who hasn't found funny in 20 years...

Ant is so fucking quick on the mic.

That laugh was 40% fake.