Colin's AMA

6  2015-03-29 by shmigshmog

Was perhaps the funniest thing I've ever read. Someone said he had turnip root legs. Really was the apex of this sub. Congratulations.


It was alright. Was kind of disappointed he only stuck around for 20 mins or so and answered 30 questions

in my opinion, with so much Lady Di and Chip Chipperson questions, we almost jocktobered his AMA.

It was pretty terrible. Didn't answer any interesting questions and the answers he did give didn't work as well as on twitter.

True but I think we really turned lemons into lemonade, as they say.

Jim Norton used that turnip root legs line when he and Opie were talking about Opie's aunt that had polio. He also called her "Clean Shoes McGillicuddy"

what are you talking about he answered like 10 questions

The question askers were funnier than the guest.

I was deeply disappointed by his AMA. Ant is reading this and hopefully when Colin returns to TACS, Ant lets him know how sad the fans were by his corporate responses.