Looks like Ari Shaffir will be the next SJW witchhunt.

75  2015-03-29 by smokinswindler

Welp apparently a comic from LA Ari made fun of by name in his last special just posted a video about her feelings being hurt.


Twitter is starting to go after him & it appears that everyones favorite writer, Lindy West, has gotten wind of it. Even if you don't like Ari this will be a super fun one to watch play out. Fortunately though his show just wrapped up, so there isn't much for them to take away I guess.

Edit: the 845th news story I wish Patrice was around to laugh at and deconstruct. I miss Patrice.


my first instinct was to challenge him to a roast battle

hahaha, WHAT? he already made you cry bitch... he already won. shouldn't she be against roasting? since that's essentially what he did to her, just without a formal event...

and wow, prefacing your video with everything bad that ever happened to you, as if it means nobody can ever be mean to you because of "how much you've been through"

this woman has no idea what it means to be a comedian. if you can't handle being brutally picked apart, you're not gonna make it. sorry.

I assume by "roast battle" she meant she'd eat an entire roast.

This deserves more upvotes.

The comment I was replying to was way better than mine. :(

A fat, one-armed, humorless, female comic who posts anti-bullying YouTube videos? Please tell me this is just a new Sacha Baron Cohen character.

Just imagine this weak sap trying to hang for 2 minutes with Patrice, Norton, Vos and Quinn at a late hour in a coffee shop. She would be obliterated.

Patrice: You're so fat your non-existant arm has fat rolls.

Maybe she did one night, long ago... And That's how she lost her hand!!!

But.... Legalize Gay.

If you disagree with her, you are clearly a homophobic asshole, duh.

prefacing your video with everything bad that ever happened to you

This is all I could think about during that part: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dA32i2MVT9E

I take the terrible things in my life, and I turn them into humor!

Crying and dead air, did she go to the Whatley school of comedy?

She has a stand-alone arm.

..........that's all I got.

.............that was all I had.

She was busy EATING her cakehorn instead of tooting it...am i rght??


You just made the list.

I like you


He's a middle aged jew who acts like a 14 year old who just discovered Rage against the machine. She's a armless smelly person. Both would be executed by Hitler, and rightfully so.

Easy there Joe DeRosa!

He's a middle aged jew who acts like a 14 year old who just discovered Rage against the machine.

I agree with this, and I've never enjoyed Ari much in the past, but he seems like a good dude and one of the few comics left who are unafraid of all the bullshit SJWs out there. Also have to give him props for going on TACS and his appearance there was pretty fun.

Please check out his brilliant work on The Amazing Racist.

"Thumbs up below if you think bullying sucks." I wish I could give two thumbs up. Gotta hand it to her for standing it to injustice.

This could be a CQ tweet.

Fuck you Colin, now is not the time for positivity.

No need to get up in arms about it, gang!

I wish I could give two thumbs up.

Too bad she can't.

That was the joke

Oh god I'm as dense as fucking Opie. I thought you were just doing Colin Quinn-inspired sarcasm.

hey, don't beat yourself up about it.

incidentally it wasn't my comment.

She wishes she could give 2 thumbs up

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMvZBqohy48 its cool to make fun of a dudes small dick but dont talk about how a fat girl smells because thats crossing the line!


Tera Melos fan?

faahk yeaaah

Good point too btw. I hate that "don't body shame but teehee tiny peepees" double standard most cunts have. But I can't speak out about it because then I sound like I have a tiny peepee.

That was painful to watch.

Oh my God, the 20-second calculated choked-up pause at 2:00 is fucking infuriating. Combined with the unrelated tally sheet of adversity she rattles off at the beginning, it's like she designed this video in a lab somewhere to appeal to the broadest possible slice of internet crusaders.

I'd really be mad if I thought this would hurt Ari at all, but he's in the weird Ann Coulter zone where periodic waves of outrage are just par for the course.

Don't forget the complete hatchet job done editing Ari's footage to maximize the offensiveness just makes it look all the more pathetic.

I liked how she only showed the setups to about 4 jokes and edited them together and then said "there's no joke there!"

Bullying makes ol' one arm shed bacon grease tears, but her first instinct was to want to challenge Ari to a roast battle. Makes complete sense. My only question is how big are her tits, and are they depreciated fat girl tits or do they still have a soul?

Pretty much sums up why women aren't as funny as men. "There are two types of humor - the bullying kind and the non-bullying kind, and the bullying kind is NOT OK."

Almost all the best comedy is mean, and just "happens" to be done by men. Once you remove all the meanness it's rarely worth a shit. Meanwhile these hypocritical dopes go out of their way with their friends in their personal lives to find flaws in other women who look better than them.

maybe they should segregate comedy like they do sports. seems like if you throw a female comedian in with the men, they end up getting hurt.

Ladies' Night at the Comedy Cellar. Watch a cavalcade of pseudo-feminists with self esteem issues rant at and guilt the audience while half-heartedly tacking on punchlines like a slide whistle at the end of an emotional Tumblr post. Aziz Ansari will MC.

the thing about comedians like jamie kilstein and this stumpthing is that they ALWAYS prioritize their sociopolitical agenda first, funniness a distant second. they pretend to be all about humor but when you watch them it's obvious that their 'jokes' are just tools to help them perfunctorily lob their 100 IQ teenager opinions at their faggoty applauding audience. there were a lot of those guys on tough crowd. patrice, colin and those guys would be riffing spontaneously and viscerally in a way that anyone who really loves comedy would be eating the fuck up, but these shit-for-brains boat hacks would obviously be completely tuned out while this was happening, queuing up another objectively unfunny george bush joke to blather out the second there was silence in the room. gah i just get so worked up about this shit because pretty much all i care about in life is laughing at shit and when people try to fit humor into their cunty little kiddie view of the world as a place with universal rights and wrongs and good guys and bad guys it feels like someone with no tastebuds critiquing my palate.

This is brilliant. Spot-on.

I'll bet I can find some universal rights and wrongs at Thanksgiving dinner in front of your parents.


I Agree somewhat. I don't think its that black and white but I think this is what makes bonnie mcfarlane so funny. She is fucking brutally mean.


How'd that pink slotmachine get so fat when she only has one arm to cram muffins in her mouth?

She says her arm was lost in a car accident. But I put it to you that she ate it.

She lost it when Captain Ahab harpooned her.

How do you lose something bigger than a car amongst cars?

She wrecked her car trying to eat an entire bucket of KFC at once.

Ari is the last person on planet earth to give a shit about SJWs, they can't do anything to him.

On Rogan he said he only tweets by texting to twitter on his outdated phone, specifically so he can pay less attention to social media.

There's a decent chance Ari isn't aware this is even going on.

He's too Jewy to crucify. They'll help a member of the tribe out.


I loved when they boycotted his show in some small candian city.

Where was that? I gotta know where to not visit.

London Canada wherever that is. They kicked him on out of the venue then he ended up playing a bigger venue.

Ontario, yeah I don't plan on ever going there anyway. He should do Saskatchewan, Stanhope and Rogan were here and everyone loved them.


Really? Haha were already rallying around her. He will go down.

She's a large girl, hope their are a lot of you.

Wow, you guys sure are an intimidating bunch. Please don't whine endlessly on twitter and tumblr, how could poor Ari survive such calculated savagery?

I'm being sarcastic by the way you pig. Nobody gives a fuck.

So was I.


A fat, one armed, wearing a legalize gay marriage shirt, probably lesbian "comic". A walking punchline.


like Roland, she has no heterosexual options.

There's always black guys.

To be far, she is better at "stand up" than "push up".

This is LA comedy in a nutshell right here. Wow.

Joe DeRosa will be coming out to defend her right away.

Against greedy Jew Ari Shaffir.

Sorry, I worded that wrong.

He isn't so much defending her as he is using this opportunity to strike back against the ZOG that is taking over America.

Well that's something we should all be against

What would his one-armed friends think?

he'll need to check with his jewish friends first

If you want to call yourself a stand-up comedian, you're putting yourself out there to be bashed by other comedians. Every comic has had to go through it. I would say grow some thicker skin but, well, she's already got enough thick skin to go around

Good thing she's not missing her legs wacka wacka

I hope she gets run out of the comedy scene. Comedians know and like Ari, and I have no doubt they would side with him. Especially in this current climate of censorship to avoid offense. Comedians would hate that fat bitch going against everything that comedy is about.

There's a lot of right-on young comedians around now. I think Bonnie described the atmosphere between comedians at comedy shows has changed a lot. she said it's like a group of actors dryly complementing eachother's performances.

In which case a significant proportion are probably on board with fatso

she said it's like a group of actors dryly complementing eachother's performances.

The reason I liked the New York/O&A people is they are the only people who say anything negative about other comedians, and even then it's rare. People are so scared of burning bridges and losing an opportunity, people even seemed hesitant to turn on Mencia.

Yeah, but I think her point was that this was genuine. Young comics sit around saying how awesome they all are, and tell each other how brave they are for punching up.

I'm impressed that with only one arm she still managed to be a fat fucking hog.

To be fair I'm sure that she did most of her eating with two.

She must've been desperate to lose some weight.

It's like, she wanted to lose weight, but she didn't want to stop eating.

The way she starts out listing all her lifes misfortunes makes me sick to my stomach. I hope her other arm falls off. Speaking of that, her stump looks disgusting. They could have at least tried to round it off.

Ewww. Yuck. She actually said she considered challenging him to a roast battle but rose above the idea. Like, she could have eviscerated him and erased his career if she WANTED to, but she's bigger than that. How the fuck is a self-hating, fat SJW going to go one-on-one with somebody who doesn't give a fuck AND has 100x the ammunition. The only thing she could really go after Ari for is his Jewy appearance but she would never do that in a million fucking years.

i would have loved to have seen this "roast battle". she wouldn't have made it because she would have started crying immediately.

she's bigger than that


She started losing some steam in the last 30 seconds of that video listing off different physical ailments.


If she had a cock she'd be Bob's perfect mate.

Funny how Ari can get away with the Amazing Racist (which is brutal and hilarious) but he picks on a fat one armed "comedien" and now the housewives and lesbian council members are out in full force on her youtube page (only thing I cared to find out).

And faggot beta males trying to feel like heroes or get laid.

He didn't get away with that. He's lost a lot of work because of it.


He's also talked about it on podcasts before. Before he was famous, Duncan Trussell had a parody site talking about how evil Ari was, and posted his phone number. Ari got dozens of death threats to his personal number for that.

he lost so much work that he just had a successful comedy central show and 2 recent specials

Amazing racist is over 10 years ago. He needed a decade to recover

It took him years to recover.


Urgh. Why is her dumb little stump in frame? At least fucking hide it. Also, she cuts away between every sentence except for when she does the contrived 'oh my God I can't even say this, BEAR WITH ME GUYS'.

Why is her dumb little stump in frame?

Because that's her "thing." There's nothing worse than a disabled or disfigured comedian who writes their entire act around their deformity. It's the hackiest of hack but a lot of people are too scared to call them out on it, so they get away with it.

you really have to be thankful for people like ol' lefty here because there's so much comedy that's totally contingent on people a having humorless reaction to it. that's what a lot of these mostly women don't get. they make themselves punchlines by broadcasting to the world that, indeed, if you make fun their shitty sub 2 amount of arms or their ruined-by-rape sister they'll give you the exact huffing+puffing worked up response you dreamed of. also i realize it's far from exclusively a female problem but women in comedy and women with humor in general are the MVPs of sulking and soliciting pity when someone verbally trashes them and then wondering why they aren't looked at as equals. YOU DIDN'T FIGHT AS AN EQUAL. YOU FORFEITED. if you follow kurt metzger on facebook you can learn how a true comedic mind thinks. he absolutely salivates at the idea of someone trying to make fun of him and when people do, he verbally humiliates them and uses them as a test-dummy to unload funny shit onto.

Fuck her. Never really been a fan of Ari's but I'm in his camp on this one.

(Holocaust jokes welcome)

Fuckin' home run!

"The arm that diabetes didn't take is a... standalone arm."

she can only swim in a circle.

The best thing about that video was the ari parts! Shes playing innocent but ari CLEARLY has history with the cunt

This boring egotistical fat cunt thinks that because she hung out with spineless faghags her whole life who listened to her nonstop bitching and excuses for herself that everyone cares more about her shitty life story rather than her jokes.

These modern liberals are mentally ill narcissists of the highest degree.

Holy shit yes.


jezebel's on it!

(linked with donotlink so as to not give them the pageviews)

The comments section is great.

Michael: "Ari Shaffir is the same guy who said in his act that having cerebral palsy is like being "king of the retards." "

Also, off topic, but I legit love her hair. I would love to have hair that color.

That perfectly sums up the average Jezebel reader.

The "outrage" in the comments:

Men just hate that Women can have a worth- any worth- when they are not conventionally attractive. MY god! A woman who isn't pretty doing something! I MUST PROTEST THIS.

Yeah, that must be it! It's not that we lack respect for things that are disfigured, morbidly obese, and utterly unfuckable

I just wrote an email to Comedy Central asking them to cancel his show. What an asshole.

As you should! You watched 20 seconds of audio spliced together in between watching an amputated troll sob. It's not like you have time to watch the other 10 minutes of the bit for context. Feigning outrage is VERY time consuming

he's overcome a lot and has probably been bullied about the other things in her childhood. I don't think it was weird at all to bring up that she's been through a lot. Your judging her harshly when she's the victim in this. You should be judging Ari

Jesus. Fucking. Christ. I didn't think people like this actually existed

I'm not someone who believes that anything is off limits. I have enjoyed rape jokes, incest jokes, fat jokes and AIDS jokes in comics' routines. But in order for those jokes to be funny the butt of the joke can't be people (e.g. rape victims). It has to be our messed up culture (e.g. rape culture). And of course it also has to be well formulated and smart on some level

So, no limits, but some limits

I'm not someone who believes that anything is off limits. I have enjoyed rape jokes, incest jokes, fat jokes and AIDS jokes in comics' routines. But -

Anyone with any sense will stop reading right there.

I started reading that then thought back to the boys pointing out how there's always a "BUT" which basically throws everything precluding into the trash.

Reddit promulgates this fagculture. Someone should take out reddit like the death star.

Hey now, take your mansplaining somewhere else, mister!

/pol/ battles these monsters all the time. Come over and lurk for maximum anger.




I know the instinct is to hate her. But it was a really strange move to bring up an unknown comic by first and last name on your debut hour special. Why would ari do that? What does he gain? This fat pig is the best he can do for material?

I'm ari big ari fan but the whole thing seems stupid.

I'm Ari big Ari fan too

I would guess that she is especially difficult to be around and comics probably have to walk on eggshells (greggshells if you like) around her and Ari just had enough. I doubt is was pulled out of the blue.

And for some strange reason I get the feeling this woman uses her tragic past as a crutch to beat people over the head with. If that's the case then Ari is 1000% right to go after her specifically.

I don't doubt any of that. But it's still some real hokey amateur hour shit to bring up an unknown.

Shit is weak.

Fair enough. My initial reaction is about the same as yours but I would be kind of surprised if Ari didn't think carefully before using this bit and deciding that she deserved it. Admittedly I am giving Ari a huge benefit of the doubt

I'm with you completely.

I thought there was some vaguery going on before I heard the clip, but he called her right out.

Ari does have a habit of using names on podcasts where everyone uses an anonymous pronoun.

All I can think is he was trying to get a public outcry going. I love mean humor, but she fits the definition of a soft target. Wounded gazelle or not, I don't want him in any trouble or anything and I find her irritating.


just call him a hook nose jew and forget it.

His dad is a holocaust survivor, she's got to be able to come up with something about that.

I'm still trying to figure out how if 6 million died and every jew was personally operated on by Mengele and survived yet there were only around 6.4 million in Europe.....

Exactly. If she started the video by saying he looks like he was ripped off of a Nazi propaganda poster I might have a shred of respect for her. Instead she just calls him mean. Boohoo.

Did she eat the arm?


Its not even a new special he released it a few years ago. Clear attention seeking as it/he is now on comedy central.

This is where I miss O&A, this is a perfect video for them to deconstruct for 43 minutes saying far meaner things than Ari did and not worry about ramifications. Jimmy would be silent for his fellow comedianne.

Deconstruct for an hour then have Patrice come in and go for another hour. Sigh.

She wanted to challenge him to a roast battle because she believes in fighting unfunny with unfunny.



f.a. so that she can record her own special in a theater or at least in a club...

...and then we steal the money!

SJW's are gonna flood us with their cash. That's how their feeble minds work.

So putting aside whatever she said ... anyone else find it bizarre that he'd work a specific essentially unknown comic into a televised special and name them by name? Maybe if the payoff was going to be huge, it'd make sense - but it didn't.


Her entire act seems to be the "I know what your thinking... [comment on appearance]" That every new comedian uses as their first opener.

I'm not really an Ari fan but I do respect that he seems like one of the only comics left who actually have some balls. I don't see him backing down from any of these cunts.

In al honesty how much balls does it take to go after a fat one-armed lesbian?

I mean let's be serious here for a moment. Did this take courage on ari's part.

Of course it did, jokes about race, rape, gays, women, disability etc are the only jokes that do take courage because these are the things that will get you fired and blackballed in the industry.

I feel you on that but I feel this is stretching it. He really didn't tie it all in and make a funny joke. It really felt just mean for the sake of mean . Maybe I am just becoming a pussy with age i dunno.

Im not a fan of Ari's stuff, but this woman is the living embodiment of everything that is wrong with comedy (and basically society) today. Lady, you call yourself a fuckin comic? You're the ENEMY of comedy.

The Ari bashing video did not justify her fatness.

Comedian eh? She must be a HOOT.

Someone in the youtube comments posts a video of her making fun of some guy's small penis. She defends herself by saying it's ok bc she doesn't say his name?


Kikes don't get in trouble.

Did she eat her own arm?

Ari is getting alot of press

At what point of her being a comedian did she think she couldn't be a punchline in a joke?

This is the world we live in - comics are offended by jokes.

Ari posted the full bit http://youtu.be/UqbR0Gydltk


I just want to point out that Lindy West actually isn't my favorite writer. In fact, I disagree with many of her opinions.

Oh literal FatJewFromMiami

I am horrified. The dog and pony show at The OR at The CS has largely been filled with misogyny and mean spirited "comedy", but I can't believe that kind of crap made it to Comedy Central. You are a bright light. It's clear to any sane, conscious person that you are miles above and beyond this comic and soon, this incident. You have a great heart. xo

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucking liberal cunts.

This girl is a shitty wimpy bitch, but doesn't it seem weird that Ari would devote a chunk of his special to bashing another comic by name?

I saw this pop up on my Twitter feed last night. Dan Savage posted it. I immediately commented on it. You can see my tweets at @TayNez81 if you're interested. I said it's a pity party, basically. Apropos of nothing she launches into her difficult childhood like that has anything to do with Ari.

Then, I was hammered by 6 or 7 SJW comedian friends of the one-armed land whale. In defense of anti-bullying they decided to try to bully me. They are incredibly pathetic people and their ball busting jokes towards me were funny, but not in the way they intended.

Haha. Lindy West....Queen of the Rage Bloggers.

I tapped out in the first 15 seconds. If one needs to provide a list of tragedies/misfortunes/indignities experienced to date to justify anything, one is a child who blames everyone else for their lack of self worth.

You're a better person than me. I stopped at 4 sec's.. all I needed to see was the T-shirt and the hopeless blob about to whine. ... I wish they all would just...

Dammit, now I have to like him.

so that's what happened to Tony Soprano's sister

Air is amazing in his not give a fuck ability. He still has people coming after him from those Amazing Racists videos, this won't slow him down.

I couldn't even finish the video. This crybaby twat is a perfect example of everything that is wrong with the world these days.

How can you call yourself a comedian and then cry about being verbally bullied? Nothing will come from this, anyone as Jewish-looking as Ari is untouchable. Nice try on the outrage, tho.

Does anybody have the unedited bit?

You know what, you've really got to hand it to her. Even though she's missing an arm, she managed to shovel enough food into her gullet to to get that fucking fat.

"It's comedy- someone has to get hurt"- Colin Quinn

At first I felt kinda sorry for this bitch, but the more I watched the more she annoyed me. Who starts off a video with all the trials and tribulations of their life? She has a shirt on that says "Legalize Gay." And the pausing and crying. come on.

Legalize gays T-shirt, waterworks, lame edited joke at the end. Pandering fat dumb cunt. Just looking for simpathy.

This is such a perfect shitstorm on both sides that I suspect it's all a setup. Each comic wins with their target audience, they both get more famous. They're both trolling you, carry on with your life.

Anthony's Ex comes out against Ari. What the fuck was this bitch doing with Cumia in the first place??



2015-03-29 20:17 UTC

@AriShaffir what you said about @Whatsinadame on @ComedyCentral was super lame. How is that comedy? Seemed unnecessary and mean.

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What the fuck was this bitch doing with Cumia in the first place??

Why would an unknown model fuck an old millionaire? C'mon son.

90+ % of the comments on that video are basically calling her out for being an asshole too, it makes me so happy! :D

Can this carry weight since he used her actual name? I would think for libelous reasons Comedy Central would tell Ari to keep it vague since she's not a public figure.

Either way, I hope she loses her other arm to diabetes.

IIRC, the fact she does comedy makes her a public figure, I doubt there is any action she can take. Also her public figure is very hard on the eyes

it's not libelous if its true.


https://youtu.be/eAl1vO8l9qw?t=2m Saving some people some time, this here's where she cries. edit FAKE cries. I feel almost as ripped off as her arm. Not one actual tear. I wonder how many gigs she's gotten with those fugazi waterworks.

Going after Ari on Twitter won't be that big of a deal cuz he uses a flip phone now

Ari has a career built on fans. He really can't lose. Even if they take his Comedy Central show away it would suck but it's a 12:30 Thursday night show. No one really cares about it

I fucking care! Have you seen it? If your a fan of comedy you have to like his show. It's great, the funniest people out there telling stories.

Yea but that show existed on the Internet before Comedy Central & can exist after. Like there's nothing he's doing now that needs a corporate backing or sponsorship

I thought it was originally a web series on the comedy central channel.


legalize gay? thanks but no thanks.

Ari will be happy for the ink

The start of the video is actually her opener:


I imagine most comedians are going to completely avoid her now, not a good way to make friends.




Anyone have a clip of what Ari said?

This is why men and women will never be on the same page. For us, especially the people that visit this sub reddit (sub, what is it under the water or sumptin) the height of comedy is someone getting smashed in the face with a hammer. She would probably cry and feel bad for them.

Is that really the height of comedy? Someone getting smashed in the face with a hammer. Is this literal? Or in a metaphoric sense.

I always thought a dude like Patrice deconstructing something with such clarity reaches a higher level of comedy than a slap stick bit from 1920

I saw the 2 guys one hammer video and it wasn't very funny, but that might've been because there was a plastic bag around the hammer.

More like a SLOB machine.

THIS MELTY HAM CREATURE IS HUNGRY FOR ARMS, EVEN HER OWN! SHE'S USING AN EAT ATTACK! A butter monster? With some creatures it is like a game to discover!

That must've been one hilarious car accident she was in. She served as her own airbag. I bet she did more damage to the car. I'm guessing she hit a semi, and the truck and the container were crushed into the size of a baseball on impact with her body. She originally lost both arms in the accident, but the gravity from her body started absorbing other nearby people, and after emptying out the entire town she was able to regain one whole arm.

I do hope they legalize gay. It is so tragic living in an awful country where being gay isn't legal. All those gay people being thrown off of buildings by ISIS in America, oh wait was that in another country? I don't know, I don't remember, I just know America must be the worst. Because of privilege.


This cetacean is not a comic.

Ari looks like a rat-Jew, someone who could have been gassed in 1941. Pretty weird he slams this no body with one arm.

Her video is douche chilly but one must question ari's original intent. Just does not add up. I would think you would put all your A material on spot light for a TV special.

You guys are acting like bigger faggots than all those SJW. How many times was Opie pointed out for being a dick and inappropriate? How many times it was mentioned how opie's picking on Bobo was just mean and lacked any comedic meaning? Are you really surprised that one armed bitch took it personally when he mentioned her by name to point out she was fat and smelly? He barely tried to make it into a joke he was just talking and being an ass.She Exaggerated and and made it into a ridicules anti-bullying PSA but I'm really not surprised she took it as a bashing and not as a joke because technically he was being a dick. So it's fucking annoying how every comment that isn't fully praising Ari is being down voted because "you're a fag","you don't get it,you're against us". it's the same enraging group mentality those reactionary SJW babies have except the opposite is all those wanna be edgy tough guys who act like 14 year olds trying to show how brutal and hardcore they can get.

Fuck Ari Shaffir. That guy got WAY too much traction from Joe Rogan's actual courage RE Carlos Mencia, and over a joke that every piece of shit hack came up with.

I hate both of these cunts but the one armed, fat titted bitch is worse by far.

Be fat and one armed, or have Ari Shaffir's grating, annoying fucking voice. Take my arm and pump me up, Jesus I can't listen to him.

She reminds me of this 300lb idiot that used to run around my school wearing a Karate Gi.

There were lots of fat people who didn't get made fun of, of then, again they didn't pretend to be black belts with karate skills like napoleon dynamite.

Point is this, if this isn't a giant hoax, 90% of the reason she got mocked is because she's annoying as fuck.

300lb idiot that used to run around my school wearing a Karate Gi.

Go on... There have to be stories.

Yeah, I'm not siding with her against him. Fuck 'em both.

Jesus Fuck Christ this thread is filled with shallow witless shitbags. The worst thing about this whole debacle is that Ari has somehow found a way to make fat jokes hip again so now every fucking wannabe amature clown is going to think it's the coolest thing in the in the world to tell fat jokes on stage.

I'm not even offended by it that much but it's not 1950 anymore. A fat joke is what is known in the business as HACK. It's like Henny Youngman "Take my wife please" boring tired lazy bro comedy. Reading this thread is like 200 different versions of the same goddam joke. Uninteresting, shallow, uncreative and lame. Bill Hicks and Mark Twain are both rolling in their grave and standup comedy in America might as well be dead.

When was the last time you saw a comic that was so shitty he didn't have enough material he had to talk about a hack comic and out them and name them in their special? You guys don't think Norton burr vos colin, fucking every comic out there sees shitty comedians, why hasn't a single one ever talked shit about one on stage? Ari's the obvious cunt here. This isn't the same as the old cellar gang just busting each others ball on air.

Benjamin72 pls go


Why are people mean?

"Oh, guyssss!"

Nowwwww let's not go making fun of people!

Fuck you

I hate SJW's and all that shit but what Ari did was completely fucked up.


Thanks for handling this one, I can't be everywhere.


Just trying to be myself, sir, a 30 year old West Coast yuppie.

What's the matter, you want to try and fuck that fat one armed bitch? You sniveling little dick sucker.

hey, don't beat yourself up about it.

incidentally it wasn't my comment.

Thanks for handling this one, I can't be everywhere.

Where was that? I gotta know where to not visit.

If you disagree with her, you are clearly a homophobic asshole, duh.

Good point too btw. I hate that "don't body shame but teehee tiny peepees" double standard most cunts have. But I can't speak out about it because then I sound like I have a tiny peepee.