Opie hears a legal disclaimer after a Todd show "phone scam", mistakenly believes its an on-air admission the call is fake, starts fake laughing. Ant & Jim audibly cringe at the Opester's misconstrual of something so obvious

13  2015-03-28 by beleca


um no

'The preceding content was performed by professional scam artists'.

That sounds like an admission of fraudulence to me.

Yeah it does. Now we're all cringing at OP.

Jesus Christ you people are stupid. Even if you don't believe me, Ant and Jim listen to the disclaimer right after it plays and they explicitly say that its just saying "don't try this at home" so the station can't be blamed for anything listeners do. Thats their speculation. There is literally 0 evidence that its an admission of fakery, and the 2 non-retards say as much after hearing it. Jesus Christ you people need everything fucking spelled out for you or you descend into an incomprehensible slush of arguments that could be settled by literally 80 seconds of attentive listening to the clip. Either you're all retarded or you have the attention spans of goldfish

No, that's basically the same thing as saying "don't try this at home". It's trying to create an air of verisimilitude by adding an unnecessary legal disclaimer to scripted content.


Why are you being a faggot?

Has anyone else noticed that Todd Pettengill looks like a completely different person in every picture?

It really is hard to listen to. Op thinks theyre cringing at Todd, but its obvious they're both saying internally "oh my god shut the fuck up you embarrassing hole". You can actually hear them both wincing out loud at how awkward and awful Slothtits is.

It just proves that he doesn't even understand why hes supposed to hate the Todd show's hack radio shit. Its like you're making fun of a fat girl and your little brother goes "yeah, and her hair is totally gross, too! I mean, I can see her roots!" And you're just embarrassed that you were all having a good time making fun of the fat pig and now your little brother has to make you all look like fags cuz he doesn't get it.

TLDR; Chip is Opie; Opie is Chip...PERIOD.

Opie's fake laugh is always cinge-worthy, but Jim and Ant were reacting to the clip.

...mistakenly believes its an on-air admission the call is fake...

Did you even listen to the clip? Everyone in the room agrees with Opie. The Todd Show put a disclaimer on how their "Phone Scams" are performed by actors/professionals.

I'm all for the Opie Hate, but don't reach. There is plenty of cringe inducing material to choose from. You don't have to fabricate your own narrative

130 words 677 characters

No thank you!

I have a feeling that figuring that out took more effort than reading it would have

or you know...he was lying.

I'm not...I'm not loying.

He wasn't.

or you know, he googled a thing.

the point is it didnt take long.

He was obviously just on his cell phone not paying attention. You know, like any talented person on the radio would be.

You guys are really grasping here but if I pretend they're all in on the joke and Opster is the bit then it's funny. Everyone there was agreeing with slothtits.

Does anyone know the cat picture they're talking about?

holy fuck I love this

The amount of time wasted just so tits can understand it. What an anchor to the show.


What the fuck were you listening to because that's not what happened.

Yeah...no that's not really what's happening here.

You guys are really grasping here but if I pretend they're all in on the joke and Opster is the bit then it's funny. Everyone there was agreeing with slothtits.