Opie I've got your Viral Video

38  2015-03-27 by [deleted]

10 second video

Stare into a camera thats right up to your face and in your Florentine-wannabe voice say:

"Nice try with the hate... though"

Then put on sunglasses and have the camera pan down to show those batter-filled ziplocs


As long as he tells us where he hid the $10,000.

He's the $10,000 fugitive but the bit went over his head and he got confused.

So Bobo wasn't loying after all... he was framed!



My douche is chilled: Gay mon.

Oh my God. Same is such a fucking asshole. That fucking fade away almost made me jump out of my window. Fuuuuuuuuck me

He looks like a ginger version of Keanu Reeves, only dumber.

game on

He should've kept that dollar and gotten some Invisalign.

He should go urban exploring up on top of the Chrysler building again, but this time take the quick way down.

Opie's viral video will be his reenactment of Budd Dwyer.

Thank you OnA tech support. Now can you tell me how to edit out all of Opie's fake gut laughing from all audio?

I had an idea for a "Opie response" video
It would be video screen caps of the mouse unsubbing from twitter, fb, this subreddit ect. Use "Get over it" as the song and pepper in some 'shakas' from those old douchy clips

Jesus fuck how many times is he going to read that serial number? I had to turn it off at the third go.
