An Opie lie that nobody brings up.

11  2015-03-27 by bdizzle45

The Oqster was under an umbrella during a storm and some worker took the umbrella down with Oqie still under it. He takes a video of it and then decides to delete it. In the Tucker Max interview, Oqie said Tucker was lying because you don't delete a video like that.

Bonus Lie: "I got connections at youtube." -Oqie


The main Opie lie that he should get slaughtered for every day is why he brought in Tim Sabean. Look at the OpieRadio channel now. Nothing that isn't part of the "OpieRadio" brand. Tim Sabean was brought in to shorten the show, get rid of Fridays, break up Sam's show so he wouldn't get over on the "OpieRadio" brand channel, get people like Ron and Fez and East Side Dave off the channel and move the show to mid days. OpieRadio branding with a Howard Stern schedule. The only guy who wanted that to happen was Opie.

When you listen to Ant and Jimmy arguing about Tim Sabean's business moves, Opie is the one supporting them and saying how cool middays would be. When Sabean got fired, Opie said he helped the show a lot. How? What helpful thing did he do? Sabean gutted Sam's show, fired East Side Dave, put Ron and Fez on a ghetto channel with the sound quality and clarity of a game of Telephone and cost us 8 hours a week of broadcasting.

The current channel now is what Opie was trying to do with Tim Sabean. Ant's firing just meant he didn't have to work and weasel behind the scenes. That is why I don't think Opie fought for Ant. The Sabean Scheme fell right into his lap. All he had to was lobby to get Ant fired.

Whenever I hear about Opie being a tough guy, I don't believe it. Early in the Destroyer days, he sounded convincing enough that it was believable. But he's a father now.

Opie has never talked tough to anyone in his life. Every woman he has been with walked over him constantly. And he's just happy people don't think he's a faaaaaag like they did in high school.

Wait- but people totally still think he's a fag, and they aren't wrong either.

You mean his young wife (chick, because wife, whatever) has him by his impotent old dick.

ME: [cool-guy braggy voice] People know I'm insane. they don't .


I would love to see somebody "aggressively taking down an umbrella".

Like aggressively swatting a bee buzzing around your face, or aggressively whipping a scarf over your shoulder

or like aggressively blowing your nose or aggressively sleeping.


I really hope this is another lie. Because, IIRC, Opie turned into a real douchebag here.

He said something along the lines of, "Why is this guy taking his city job so seriously? Enough with the power trip." He then yelled and screamed at the guy until he finished his job.

It was obvious that the worker was doing his job. He wasn't doing it to screw over Upper West Siders, you entitled dope. Opie had zero right to yell at this guy, who took pride in his job.

I find it hilarious that Opie can yell at someone for doing a "shitty" job. Yet, no one can criticize Opie for totally phoning it in for the last 5 years.

last 30 years

Phoning it in since he was 18 doing radio.