Opie not getting the bit

5  2015-03-27 by Lilcumia


They have literally been doing that bit for over a decade. Over a fucking decade and Opie still is enough of a mental cripple to not get it.

Him not getting the bit, was the bit, you IDIOT!

Haha, nice try with the ha- ... HOLD ON!

huh? ... ahem

HAHA, Nice try with the- HOLD ON HOLD ON!

Am I losing my faculties?




Again, his raspy voice.

Once again, Opie didn't realize he was supposed to think the caller was boring. Someone should have written it down for him so he'd know how he felt beforehand.

He doesn't get what Jimmy is doing yet he does his fake laugh after.

Nice save Jimmy, haha.

Oh god I can feel your soul getting crushed every single day...

Yeah, but he really had to signal the cuck, "EH HEMM..."

I loved the guys reaction

"....aaahh you fucking with me"

HO-LEE-SHIT...this was from THIS WEEK? Opie is fucking clueless...bereft of ANY comedic ken.

There's that chemistry!

it's not the first time he's done this. it's not that he doesn't get it. it's that he's so pompous that he thinks he knows how to "punch it up" a little bit by trying to get in there and lead the caller on more when he doesn't actually know how and he's not needed.

which makes it far worse. he's ruined one or two "we heard you" calls that way.

He also doesn't get it.