I am actually in the process of trying to create next level hate words to describe this piece of a pig shit

1  2015-03-27 by pissinurbutt

OPIE. It's not easy


when the time is right it will come to you

Yeah, I'm trying too hard. Absolute hate is an exhausting emotion.

Empty your mind , be formless , shapeless and when the time is right and that black guy falls in the pool , you will know what to do.

-Bruce Lee

"Showing off is the fool's idea of glory." -Bruce Lee

Butt poop doody farts!!

Thank you. That is beautiful.

Be water, my nigga

Water, my friend, is the most beautiful and evil element that exits. I can relate.

What is it about salt water that makes the body reject it so violently?


Pekkahcootahfawkingahbage or sumptin

Gregg "Cuckie" Hughes


Why, when blithering retard works wonders?

You remember all his stories about how he hates his radio name, but he got it as a kid?

Naah. Rather tha'ts true or not, nobody in Buffalo or wherever he started out in knew that stupid name. He coulda started new. Instead he chose, he FUCKING CHOSE, to call himself "Opie"

I mean can you really insult someone dumb enough to give themselves that fucking name?

Well, I guess you could call him a retard.

Try to revive some old racial or cultural slurs and mix them into your progress.

"Showing off is the fool's idea of glory." -Bruce Lee

Thank you. That is beautiful.