Opie is such a fundamentally bad person that there is no coming back

0  2015-03-27 by pissinurbutt

so have the fucking pride and dignity to give it a fond farewell. You absolute cunt of a human.


Hopefully you'll make another 15 threads saying the exact same thing only slightly drunker each time. We got it.

Just looked at your page (something I've learned to do, unfortunately) and, of course, you're an Opie "fan" So fucking predictable.

So, not only do you make the worst threads in this sub, you're also retarded. Yes, clearly I'm a huge Opie supporter as is evidenced by these posts- 1 2 3.

I'd look at your history, but it's just the same shitpost over and over and over.

Hahahahahaha ALS would be bruuuuuuhtal.

Meh, not every joke works, as you well know. I posted it to illustrate that I'm no Opie sycophant.

You're trying too hard. Relax, son. You'll be a contributing member of society one day. Just strive harder.

Really looking forward to your next thread that'll be exactly the same as every other terrible thread you've made.

And YOUR same reply. Which will be the same covert white knight drivel about a dishonest, untalented hack that is the most hated man in radio, entertainment industry....and the world. Good luck with that, faggot.

shhhh....check this out, it's kinda stupid to comment about posts that are the "same as every other" when your replies are the "same as every other" C'mon guy, wise up.

You're the Opie of thread makers.

He's at least scorch level

Uh-huh....yeah, you right.

Hopefully you'll still take the time to comment to a post, that you don't like or agree with, with a trying too hard to be funny/insulting reply. YOU, my friend, are sooo cool and irreverent.

Trying too hard? You're the one who posted your tits here in an alcohol/insanity fueled attempt to fit in, but it backfired because you're a 3 at best.

WTF...??? I have no idea wtf that even means. And YOU'RE saying I'M drunk...??? WOW....delusion at it's finest

This is benjamin level depressing.

sir take your meds


More of your posts

So, not only do you make the worst threads in this sub, you're also retarded. Yes, clearly I'm a huge Opie supporter as is evidenced by these posts- 1 2 3.

I'd look at your history, but it's just the same shitpost over and over and over.

And YOUR same reply. Which will be the same covert white knight drivel about a dishonest, untalented hack that is the most hated man in radio, entertainment industry....and the world. Good luck with that, faggot.

shhhh....check this out, it's kinda stupid to comment about posts that are the "same as every other" when your replies are the "same as every other" C'mon guy, wise up.